Eyes on the RTV ?


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Eyes on the RTV ?

What place have you taken your RTV, that makes you feel that the machine had more eyes looking upon it ?</P>

Mine was Church, one Sunday Morning, it got more attention than the preacher man got !!! ( nobody fell asleep around it )</P>

and then a few weeks ago,drove it to the lodge meeting one night !!!!</P>


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Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

Mine doesn't get out much but wherever it is, people check it out. When I meet people from down the road, I often get the "Oh, you're the guy with that orange thing".

Once in awhile, I'll meet the kids at the bus stop with it. All these little heads pop up and you can see kids coming from across the isle to take a look as well.


Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

<FONT color=#0000ff size=4>Like bczoom mine doesn't get out much. I'm 3/4 mile from the nearest neighbor. I'd have to say the most eyes and curiosity have been the neighbors cow herd. [:$] Everytime they see me they seem to take a great deal of interest, especially the little ones[:D]</FONT>

ez chair

Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

Horses look and leeaaavvvveeeee!!!!!!! They will get used to it this summer, when I put hay in the back.


Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

The Dealer. Mine is still sitting on the lot and everybody has their beady liltle eyes on it!


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Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

When is your plans on people to stop " eyeballin " your RTV ? </P>


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Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

Ha Ha EZchair!! You got that down just right. That hay will do the trick for sure or just the feed bucket. The cows start moo ing because they know the "orange thing " is soon followed by the green thing pulling the feed wagon. They ignore the RTV unless food is involved. The only folks that I see , ocasionally,I meet when I zip down the road to get to the other pastures.1836hrs and counting. Bordercollie[&][&]

ez chair

Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

Two Guns, What does your deer think of your ATV? Are those Elk that gather around it at the lodge?


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Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

The deer are not scared of the RTV. Matter of fact, they are curious as hell. Especially after dark.</P>

They have even walked up close to it, lights blaring, diesel running. Personally, I don't know what they think. Several times, I know of seven for sure, gone down to pick up a deer shot earlier, maybe a hour or so earlier. And while loading up the deer with the deer loader that's on the RTV during hunting season., the deer just seem to walk into the lights, and start toward the machine. Mrs. Two Guns has witnessed this with me several times. That has been a big discussion around ouir place. Next year, during hunting season, going to get some videos of them doing it . It is amazing as hell !!! But I can say to anyone who has a doubt about the RTV's scaring off deer, IT DOES NOT !!!! Now, I know the deer never acted like that with the Honda Rubicons. With the Rubicons, you might drive up on some after dark, coming in from a hunt , they might stand there for a second or two, but eventally will move on out of sight & go on >>> But with the RTV, just stop the machine, leave it running, and just sit there, it is crazy .... </P>

Had several people tell me that the diesel engine might scare off the deer , but after this year, which is my first year to hunt with the RTV, I can honestly say, with our whitetail deer down here, it don't bother them a bit, matter of fact, if it was daylight, it would have got some monster bucks shot, walking up to the RTV, into the lights within just a matter of 20-30 feet or so, and just stopping and a looking !!!! </P>

No elk at lodge >>> Masonic Lodge</P>

<FONT face=Arial size=2> </FONT><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=6>Two Guns</FONT></P>



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Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

Around here, deer are not afraid of equipment with diesel engines. It's attributed to the fact that they hear the farm equipment that are running diesels all the time but the deer seem to think they just co-exist since the equipment doesn't ever do anything detrimental to them. Also, when they see the tractor, combine or whatever, they normally don't notice the person driving it as they look at the whole thing as a big picture. If the driver gets off, the deer get skiddish.

Gas engines are another thing. I'm mainly talking about ATV's, motorcycles... They're smaller and faster and get more into the deers environment since they can get in the woods. Being smaller machines, the person sticks out more and inherently scare the deer.

2-cycle engines are something altogether different. The deer come up on me all the time when I'm cutting wood. In this case, I think the engine noise makes them curious.

When I go spotting for deer in the woods on the RTV, even when stopped, I keep the RTV running. When I shut it off in the middle of the woods, they wonder what's up. They look, but keep their distance. They stay in closer if it's running.


Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

[quote user="bczoom"]Around here, deer are not afraid of equipment with diesel engines. It's attributed to the fact that they hear the farm equipment that are running diesels all the time but the deer seem to think they just co-exist since the equipment doesn't ever do anything detrimental to them. Also, when they see the tractor, combine or whatever, they normally don't notice the person driving it as they look at the whole thing as a big picture. If the driver gets off, the deer get skiddish.

Gas engines are another thing. I'm mainly talking about ATV's, motorcycles... They're smaller and faster and get more into the deers environment since they can get in the woods. Being smaller machines, the person sticks out more and inherently scare the deer.

2-cycle engines are something altogether different. The deer come up on me all the time when I'm cutting wood. In this case, I think the engine noise makes them curious.

When I go spotting for deer in the woods on the RTV, even when stopped, I keep the RTV running. When I shut it off in the middle of the woods, they wonder what's up. They look, but keep their distance. They stay in closer if it's running.
[/quote]Brain ,I could not agree more.The deer and wildlife around here are used to the diesel engine sounds of tractors and they do notpay much attention to my RTV.coobie


Re: Eyes on the RTV ?

Where ever I've taken mine, whether being on the trailer or driving in some town, people look at it as if they never knew something like it ever existed. I park it at restaurants or stores where I can keep my own eyes on it, (with doors locked), it getsa lot of attention. The craziest was just driving around the Amish [:cool:]