Excavator with a brush hog attached. WOW.


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Appetite for Destruction:
I rented a John Deere 35G excavator with a brush cutter. It was delivered on Thursday. And I have to admit. I'm in love. This thing is so awesome. Super duper awesome.
It was able to clear the area in question in record time I had it reserved for a week but finished up my planned work in 2 days. I am in awe of this machine set up. If I hit the lottery it would be in my list of top 5 things to buy.

Attached are some before pics, after pics, destruction pics and pics of the machine.b4-excavator1.jpegb4-excavator2.jpegb4-excavator3.jpegafter_excavator1.jpegafter_excavator2.jpegafter_excavator3.jpegafter_excavator4.jpegexcavator_destruction1.jpegexcavator_destruction2.jpegexcavator_destruction3.jpeg


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Gold Site Supporter
Wow Doc !! Looks good. I was worried about flying debris breaking the window but I see that you came out fine. :)
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I was sure glad the cab window held up okay. Some brush did hit the glass hard. Made me flinch. Had a good bit of pucker factor on the steep hills. Thankfully the blade would stabalize me while I cut away. So much fun to pulverize a 12 foot tall multiflora monstrosity. Grind them down to nothing. And I love cutting vines. So many vines.
I did pull out the hydraulic hose at one point. Found out JD has no easy way to release the hydraulic pressure. You have to get a big crescent wrench and loosen the fitting then mash then hose into the fitting. Wasn't easy but I got it done.
Also found some barbed wire on one of my hillsides. It tangled up my blades and stopped them dead. Had to get cutters to clear that out. Still overall it was so much fun. Wish I could lay out the cash and buy one to have here all the time. I could accomplish so much and have fun doing it. :D