Electrical Updates

The lamp arrived this afternoon so I installed it. I was able to get it in by taking the bottom section off and loosening the top as you suggested. I tried to remove the steering wheel, but it didn't want to come - I was able to take the steering wheel off my X900 with no problem, but this one did not want to come! I found an unused switched hot line below the steering shaft and the ground was just a bolt.

While I really don't need a light for the gear selector, it was a fun project.

Do you have a link for the light?

I gave into peer pressure and bought 2 sets of the little lights. I'll probably do one near the shifter and was thinking about a couple mounted somewhere so they shine down on the footwell area.

I cleaned out my disaster of a garage so I can get the RTV and tractor in for the weekend so I don't have to worry about getting them going in the sub zero cold we're supposed to get this weekend and will probably tackle the interior chicken lights and do a service on it.

I gave into peer pressure and bought 2 sets of the little lights. I'll probably do one near the shifter and was thinking about a couple mounted somewhere so they shine down on the footwell area.

I cleaned out my disaster of a garage so I can get the RTV and tractor in for the weekend so I don't have to worry about getting them going in the sub zero cold we're supposed to get this weekend and will probably tackle the interior chicken lights and do a service on it.

It is OK to give into peer pressure at our age! Funny you should say that you are thinking of what to do with the other lights. Just yesterday I was looking at the one extra lamp I purchased and in a fleeting moment wondered where I can use it! Have fun!!
I installed the little LEDs but didn't have the fight in me this afternoon to try getting one next to the shifter. I put one on each side of the vents in the middle so it lights up the floor area. And just for the record my steering wheel came off with 2 light taps on the shaft with a ball peen hammer and applying upward pressure with my other hand. The nut was only finger tight also.



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I installed the little LEDs but didn't have the fight in me this afternoon to try getting one next to the shifter. I put one on each side of the vents in the middle so it lights up the floor area. And just for the record my steering wheel came off with 2 light taps on the shaft with a ball peen hammer and applying upward pressure with my other hand. The nut was only finger tight also.

looks great!
Looks good, I did the cigar lighter -> Usb charger mod last night. I'm going to do the shifter light upgrade and was thinking about a floor light also. Kinda worried that the light will make a reflection in the glass making it hard to see out in the dark while plowing. Thanks for the ideas guys.
After about 12 hours of use the unit I installed quick working. I investigated and found out that the unit itself was bad. I installed the other one that came in the package of 2 and all is OK now. I contacted the company to let them know and within 12 hours they replied and will be replacing the failed unit. While I am hopeful the replacement will last longer I am impressed with how quickly the company responded. I contacted them via the Amazon Market place.
I have been giving a lot of thought to some electrical updates to my Kubota RTV-X1100. One update I did almost a year ago that I am really pleased with was the removal of the 12v plug and replacing it with this:
The reason for replacing it was it added a volt meter to the instrumentation and everything I would plug into that socket would ultimately be for 5v USB. So why keep a plug I would never use? A benefit that I learned throughout the year was that when energizing the glow plugs, I will note the voltage on the volt meter, when I see a tenth of a volt increase on the meter I know the glow plugs have reached their maximum heat value. After I see that slight increase in voltage I turn the key to start and the engine fires right up. This hasn't failed me in the year I have been using this technique. I was surprised it worked even when the temp was -10 below zero.
Great info an idea! I'm going to buy the same thing now! I'm going to be living in maine so was curious how the diesel would react in cold weather.
I have a 2023, with 20 hours on it, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees I have trouble getting it started. It might be because it was new, unfortunately, or fortunately, it rarely drops below 20 here in SC.
I have not -yet anyway - had trouble with cold weather starts here in central New Hampshire. I do have it in a heated shop much of the time to melt out between storms, but I had it in my yard recently when the nighttime temp was -12 F and it started quite easily after using the glow plugs for about 10 seconds. The machine is just over a year old and has 400 hours on it. I fill my diesel storage tank with winter blend every late fall so I hope to preclude gelling and so far this has not been a problem.
I have a 2023, with 20 hours on it, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees I have trouble getting it started. It might be because it was new, unfortunately, or fortunately, it rarely drops below 20 here in SC.

You definitely need to run the glow plugs for at least 10 seconds or so when the temp starts getting low.

It's interesting that my 12 year old L3700 will fire right up without the glow plugs down to just below freezing but my brand new X1100 and even the '14 X900 I had needs the glow plugs for a few seconds once it gets below 40 or so.
