

Super Moderator
As you may know Doc was diagnosed with thyroid cancer a while back. He had surgery the 26th.

He posted this message on FF earlier today:

I had the thyroid surgery and all went well until later that evening. I had a heart attack. Enzymes show I hav a blockage somewhere. Catherization tomorrow morning.

I'll b back online as I can. Those of u active on nct and ntt feel free to let them know the reason for my absence.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers

Oh my. God Bless and be with you . I will sure keep you in my prayers Doc.
Lord, please be with Greg and keep your hand on him. Amen.
An update from Doc
And the saga continues.
Catheriization was no problem but the blockage is in a tough spot. They called it the widowaker if I had a heart attack away from a hospital it might have been the end.

But the hospital I was at could not stent the blockage in that location and are not sure a stent can be put in that location. So I was transported to a hosp in Columbus. They will cath me tomorrow and either put in stents or decide the I require a bypass operation. A highly rated hospital and impressive so far. I sure hope stents will work but from the way today's doctor explained it I hav serious doubts stents can work.
Hang in there, Doc. I hope they will be able to put in stents for you. Several years ago, they found abdominal aorta aneurysms in me, quite by accident. They didn't think they could do stents on me either, but seven stents and eight years later, I'm still ticking along fine.

My prayers are with you for a successful resolution and a speedy recovery.

I heard from a family member who gave permission for this to be posted. Doc had his cath this morning and it was determined that surgery was needed. He had a triple bypass and is doing fine right now. That's all I know for now.
edit..........At 6:25 Dr says all is going great
Well, I guess if there is a good side to this it's that he got it all taken care of in a short amount of time. Perhaps he can get back to a normal frame of life soon, I sure hope so anyway...
I understand Doc is feeling great. He's looking at 4-6 more days in the hospital. Then a long recovery.
Doc posted this on ForumsForums about an hour ago.

Thanks all
I'm just out of 24 hr recvery unit and feeling great ... Course they shot me up with some pain meds. Morphine. I turned down the prior offer of morphine and that was a big mistake. I didn't feel any pain then but I've learned the day after surgery do not turn down pain meds. Duh.

Like Jerry said 3 way bypass. Sure glad it's done. Hope to be out of hospital by this weekend.
I finally borrowed an iPad from my daughter so it is a little easier checking in even if I much prefer my laptop.
Yep taking it slow for sure. Got most of the tubes out of me today. Been for my first walk. I was so so ready to walk after all the sitting. Boy was I ever shocked to see how much the short walk wore me out. Slow is the key.
I finally borrowed an iPad from my daughter so it is a little easier checking in even if I much prefer my laptop.
Yep taking it slow for sure. Got most of the tubes out of me today. Been for my first walk. I was so so ready to walk after all the sitting. Boy was I ever shocked to see how much the short walk wore me out. Slow is the key.

Hey Doc. Great to hear you. :):thewave: :a1: :drive2: etc!!! collie
Doc, sorry I just saw this. Glad to hear you are doing better!
Prayers sent from central Florida for a speedy recovery. But don't try to push it too fast!