Diesel fuel additive ??


any of you folks use any fuel additive for winter weather or for long term storage? 3-4 months storage.

But it really depends on the fuel you are using too.
Some fuel, like a lot of our winter fuel already has an additive for winter use.
Diesel fuel additive

Thanks Nixon,Al B and Lethal,
Which one of the Stanadyne products do you use?? The same for power Service. Where do you buy?

Lethel, What do you use?

I use the power service additive year round as well.
I buy mine at Tractor Supply, but they even sell it at Wally World in my neck of the woods.
I buy my diesel from MFA

Here in Missouri, I buy my diesel from MFA. I think it is Missouri Farmers Ass. It is red dye tax free diesel. They told me I never need to add additives. I make it a point to fill my 55 gal drums twice a year. That way I get summer fuel and winter fuel. Been doing this for 5 years.

I have never had a problem starting any of my diesel powered toys. I have a RTV 900, L4240 HST and ZD21.
I got a good deal on a dozen jugs from a trucker going out of business they are the white jug at about 3 qts each. If I remember right the white is for the winter and the gray for the summer. Before I could get it at most auto parts stores, tractor supply, walmart.
Well guys , I went to wally world instead of TSC. They had both the Diesel Kleen for warmer weather and Diesel fuel supplement for winter. Probably could have got by with the supplement for year round? Wally world had the pint size for 5.77 , the qt. size for 6.97. yea I bought the qt. of each. No more than I use my little BX it will last me forever. The pint size said it would treat 40 gal. Qt. treats 100 gal. Doesn't make sense, I always thought a qt. was two pints. 40 versus 100 ????? Oh well..
Thanks again for all the input
Northern In.
Power Service, silver bottle, from Autozone.

The PS white bottle is labelled 3 Cetane points improvement plus anti-gel for cold weather, while the silver is 6 Cetane points and no anti-gel. (I don't need anti-gel in this mild climate.)

My older 2 cylinder Yanmar starts, catches, better with the PS in the fuel. I think it clanks less and runs smoother, and the exhaust is less obnoxious too. Its owner manual specifies 45 Cetane fuel minimum while the US Standard is 40 or better, so I think the PS makes the fuel closer to what the manufacturer intended.

My smaller newer Yanmar, 3-cylinder, always starts instantly like a gasoline engine so I don't bother with additives in its fuel.
Diesel fuel additive

As I said I bought both PS bottles. I only buy 6 gallon of fuel at a time. I used both products together. I put one ounce of each, mixed with the 6 gallon. After I did this, figured it might not be a good idea. I don't think it will hurt anything. I probably didn,t really need anything for warm weather, as the BX fires right up. I just thought it would keep the injectors clean. This is my first diesel. I appreciate any and all advice.
Northern In.
Here in Missouri, I buy my diesel from MFA. I think it is Missouri Farmers Ass. It is red dye tax free diesel. They told me I never need to add additives. I make it a point to fill my 55 gal drums twice a year. That way I get summer fuel and winter fuel. Been doing this for 5 years.

I have never had a problem starting any of my diesel powered toys. I have a RTV 900, L4240 HST and ZD21.
I have always been told that red dyed diesel is just highway diesel dyed red and no road taxes assessed on it. You don't have to add an additive. However, the moving parts in your fuel system will wear out faster from less sulphur (which lubricates). The additives add the lubricity back and increases cetone raitings.
hugs, Brandi
Great question! Shellbourne Fuels Enhancer adds lubricity (24%), and keeps fuel from splitting even when stored for months without agitation. You get 'instant start' every time - any time.
i dont same fuel lays 12 15 mounths in tank sometimes never had a problem i do run the tractors once a mounth. gas i run out or drain. in my oppinion desiel lasts for yrs