coast valve


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11:00 AM... My valve arrived yesterday, can't wait to get it installed and ready to ride. I'll keep the forum posted on the results. and yea, I'd be interested in increasing the top speed a little too.</p>

3:30 PM... okay, I'm back, it's afternoon... I spent all of about 5 minutes doing the install on my coast valve. Works great. Piece of cake!</p>

You might be able to accomplish the same thing by modifing the stock valve & spring, but it would take several tries to get it just right. I think the coast valve kit is well worth the $150.00 I spent. </p>


on to the next project.</p>



<P mce_keep="true">Hi mardyn</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> I'm sure you will like the coast valve just like driving a car after installation.I just bought an 1100 because the coast valve</P>
<P mce_keep="true">made such a difference.I never really got used to that braking on the rtv and it was scarey to let anyone drive it.sometimes</P>
<P mce_keep="true">I use it on a job with 2 or 3 different drivers and they had a time with it.I used to have a mule and that was easy to drive but had no power</P>
<P mce_keep="true">steering and no hyd dump.i think you will enjoy your rtv even more with the coast valve. SOLITUDE</P>


<P mce_keep="true">I've been reading all about the new "coast valve" and all the positive feedback so I decided to get one for my RTV900. Easy enough to install (I'm a lawyer and it only took me twenty minutes) and it certainly drives a lot more like a car. Brian: I didn't have a load in back, and the slope in my neighborhood isn't that steep, but it still slowed down fairly quickly going downhill, just not "on a dime" like the original equipment.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Thanks to everyone for the pre-purchase feedback. I'm anxious to see what goody those guys come up with to increase the top end.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Andrew</P>


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Y'all need more entertainment. I just took a friend for a ride who's not familiar with the engine braking of the RTV. I now have an imprint of his face on my windshield. Now, that's funny.</p>

I really want to try one of these but I'm waiting for an unhappy customer whose willing to part with theirs (cheap). I rely heavily on the engine braking. If I didn't want the engine braking, I would have bought a Ranger. </p>



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<P mce_keep="true">Really like my engine brake, the person riding " shotgun " might not care for it. One thing about it, they get educated quickly. They hate it when I tell 'em,</P>
<P mce_keep="true">" oh yea, need to hold on " , don't have to tell 'em but once !!!!! The " spook " look I get sometimes just kills me !!!! </P>
<P mce_keep="true">Seriously, I can see where some folks would want them, but even if I could get one at no cost, I would pass, Wouldn't have it any other way !!!!</P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=4> ~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></P>
</p><p class="MsoNormal">After reading about the coast valve, I decided to purchase
one and give it a try. I installed it today and tested the new handling
of the braking through various conditions. I noticed on step hills there is
hardly any breaking at all in M gear. After being used to having the
engine doing all of the nice breaking, now I have to have my foot on the break
in order to prevent RTV from gaining speed on step hills. This
will take some getting use to after being used to the engine breaking. On
level ground the coast valve works great. RTV stops gradually instead of
instantly when letting your foot off the gas. I wanted to try the coast
value in order to see if it would be a great fit for my Dad and Mom to use on
their RTV and I do believe it is a good option. Also, wife will like the
coast valve option as well. It takes a while to get use to the default
engine breaking. So, for people that do not use the RTV as much, coast
valve is a good option to have in order to prevent face plants on the
windshield! Overall I liked the coast valve and I am going to
purchase another one for my Dad. Thanks for the advice on this subject.



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<P mce_keep="true">Diesel-Hound, </P>
<P mce_keep="true"> I agree with you about the part about people that don't run the machine that much, It would come in handy ~~~</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> Wonder if the company that makes the coast valves for the RTV make 'em for humans also. Something to stop the " SUDDEN STOP " I needed to Coast to the ground today, or a parachute would of even helped. I pulled a good stunt today !!!! After finishing upgraphics ona new boom wrecker in my sign shop, went and climbed up on the back bed to retreave some tools, and went to come down, and some how slipped, and busted my butt, hitting the side running rails, and theboom control leverson the steel bed, then flipping over onto the ground somehow, just about broke my ribs, wrist, and blacked and blued my rib-cage and sides..... Just about ready to call it a " Bczoom Special " ~~~ After reading the threads tonight about the coast valves, I laughed at the idea of coasting to a stop !!!</P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT face=JohnHancock color=#ff0000 size=4> ~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></P>


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[quote user="TWO GUNS"]went to come down, and some how slipped, and busted my butt, hitting the side running rails, and theboom control leverson the steel bed, then flipping over onto the ground somehow, just about broke my ribs, wrist, and blacked and blued my rib-cage and sides..... Just about ready to call it a " Bczoom Special "[/quote]</p>

Ouch. Hope you're feeling better today.</p>

Instead of "bczoom special", how about "bczoom-n-doom"?</p>


<P mce_keep="true">Been driving for a while with the new coast valve. One thing I noticed, if I let up on the gas and then hit it again fairly soon it seems to "slip" for a second before it regains it forward momemtum. Anybody else experience that?</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Andrew</P>


<P mce_keep="true">Andrew</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> Sometimes especially when hi gear it will do that.Years ago when cars had overdrive they used to do the same thing it's like the motor</P>
<P mce_keep="true">catches up with trans.As far as I know nothing to worry about mine does it once in a while,I wouldn't worry about it.Check trans oil maybe just to make sure it's full.I traded in my 900 in and put the back the valve that came with it back in and I forgot how bad it was.some other guys like that braking</P>
<P mce_keep="true">but not me,I like being in charge of the braking.I wouldn't have bought a new one if it wasn't for coast valve.</P>
<P mce_keep="true"></P>


<P mce_keep="true">Thanks, I wasn't real worried about it. It seems a small price to pay to get amore predictable response when I step off the go pedal. I don't get a chance to put that many hours on it (only 50 in almost three years) so I'm enjoying the change in behavior. I'll retire next year and move out to some acreage in the country. Bet I'll hang some hours on it then</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Take care.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Andrew</P>


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<P mce_keep="true"> Mr. Andrew,</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> After installing your coast valve, did it seem to give you a little more power in your machine ?</P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>


<P mce_keep="true">Jamie: It doesn't seem to be any peppier than it was before I changed the valve. But I didn't buy it to go fast. I was originally looking at both the RTV and the Rhino. The Rhino salesman kept telling me it would go 45pph and with a Grizzy CDI it would go 60mph. I kept looking at the rollover bars on the Rhino (they looked like some guyweldedtogether some used lawn chairs) and comparing them to the OSHA certified ROPS on the RTV and it was no decision. (I bought it just a few years after recovering frommy broken back)</P>
<P mce_keep="true">I keep hearing rumors that the coast valve guys will have an attachment that will up the top end on the RTV, one day soon.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Take care</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Andrew</P>


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<P mce_keep="true"> Mr. Andrew,</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> I was just thinking about that, for I had several folks ask me, and I didn't have one. And like you, I'm not interested in speed. A man could probobly jog as fast as I run most of the time. Especially in the woods and swamps ...I'll leave all the " speed " machines to the big boys. Just happy the speed mine runs. Like you, I also have had back troubles, two surgeries back in 1989. And still " baby " my back. The " back " thing, is one of the reason I purchased the RTV, for the Honda Rubicons was killing mine if I spent to much time on them. Still have the four-wheelers, but don't run them near as much now the Kubota is around. Also, that's why I purcased a deer / hogloader for the RTV, gettin' the animals up in the back of the RTV was going to be a chore in itself. I like to blame my back on not being able to load deer like I used to, nothing to do with age ~~ I removed the loader after season was over ........</P>
<P mce_keep="true"> [;)]</P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>


<P mce_keep="true">Jamie: the slickest critter loader I ever saw was up in Montana. The had a flat bed Ford pickup with a heavy duty headache rack on it. They mounted a winch on the top of the headache rack and then just put a couple of 2x10s down as a ramp. After the field dressed the elk they would hook them up and drag them up onto the flat bed. After they had three aboard the raised up the rampto extend the upper end of it above the loaded elk and put a second layer of three elk on top of the first three. Six elk in the back of the truck, slick as you please.</P>
<P mce_keep="true">Andrew</P>


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<P mce_keep="true">Bet that was a sight to see !!!!!! </P>
<P mce_keep="true"><FONT size=4><FONT color=#ff0000> <FONT face=JohnHancock>~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>