Coast Valve installed on RTV-900 today


Rich, </p>

Thanks for the info. I did finally get a reply "Yes it is on the way via UPS". No tracking number as you mentioned. If it arrives soon and works as it probably will, I will give him a good rating but will mention that this is not good customer support for eBay. I like getting a reply immediatly from the seller so I know they are alive. Then I like a follow-up email when it ships with the tracking number. Some sellers even follow up the day after delivery to make sure it arrvied as expected.</p>


Senior Member
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Dying toknow more about the " coast valve "item,,,,, I've asked and nobody has give me a answer, so here it goes again !!!!!!</p>

The valve that comes with the RTV's, must make the fluid hold back some, being the way it makes the machine do the engine braking thing. Now, so that it would be replaced with another valve ( a.k.a. coast valve ) , one that would not restrict pressure. Does it seem to make the machine have better response and maybe a little more pep.... and shiftinga little easier thatall that pressure is not just " balled " up , ,,,,, this is just a thory >????</p>

~~~~~~~~~~ jamie </p>


Minedoes have a little better response. No top end increase. The shifting is still about the same since that's kind of limited to the non-synchro gears in the trans. </p>

I have to look again at the OEM valve that I took out and see if you can adjust the spring all the way down to make it essentially solid like the coast valve. I'm sure that's not the only difference ( the coast valve has no spring at all) but it's definitely part of the fluid control. </p>


I have not had time to install it yet. I agree regarding the seller. He is a bit slow in responding.....but I did get it. Will keep you posted.</p>



New member
I am mechanically challenged, but the idea of the coast valve sounds as if it might be worth the effort. With good instructions I can usually figure things out, but othewise .... is this an easy install? Thanks,JR<br _moz_editor_bogus_node="TRUE" /></p>


Jr,so simple I even figured it out,LOL.The instructions are pretty straight forward with pretty good pictures.Time wise to install about 15-30 min.coobie</p>


New member
Thanks! My RTV has been very useful so far, but the sticky shifting is annoying. About half of my property is a hill that I travel up and down quite a bit hauling stuff. Making 3 point turns and other manuvers on the slope is awkard with the sticky shify, even with the pressure relief pull on the dash. If the coast valve would help with this problem it would make the RTV safer for me.</p>




The coast valve doesn't seem to help the stiff shifting much if at all.It does make it a lot easier to drive.But the key to easy shifting seems to be patience.</p>


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[quote user="JohnRussell"]</p>

Thanks! My RTV has been very useful so far, but the sticky shifting is annoying. About half of my property is a hill that I travel up and down quite a bit hauling stuff. Making 3 point turns and other manuvers on the slope is awkard with the sticky shify, even with the pressure relief pull on the dash. If the coast valve would help with this problem it would make the RTV safer for me.</p>


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JR, We need confirmation from those that have it but I thought I recall that the coast valve decreases your engine braking capabilities. I'm in a hilly area and want/need/like all the engine braking the OEM valve provides. I haven't gotten the coast valve since it's actually less safe in the hilly conditions.</p>




New member
The coast valve almost entirely eliminates engine braking. But, the brakes on the RTV work fine, you just need to use them now. We put the coast valve in, and it drives WAY better. It still is hard shifting though if you stop on a hill and need to shift. You need to pull the pressure relief valve for a few seconds before you can shift. Frankly, that is kind of half a*#ed in my opinion...</p>


Brian Bolger

Site Supporter
Hi Wayne,</p>

Just my thoughts on this subject seeing as there is a lot of chatter about this one. I am a wheelchair user and purchased the RTV900 because of the extra braking feature, so I would not have to use the brakes as much as say on a Polaris UTV. The engine breaking is great for me and although it took some getting adjusted to, I have come to expect and appreciate the automatic stopping.</p>



New member
Hi Brian: Yes, that makes sense for your use. I had no problems with the braking, but when I let other folks drive it, the dog and I went flying when they took their foot off the loud peddle. LOL. The OEM valve has a screw adjust in it, has anyone adjusted that to see what it does? </p>

But, I will admit my JD 4400 has a better hydro trans. Never a problem shifting, and I don't need to shift gears to go backwards. Wonder what they were thinking of when they did not copy what they put on tractors!</p>



Installed mine yesterday, took about 15 minutes. Starts & stops much smoother! I don't regularly see steep hills, so I think it will work well for me.</p>

By the time I get done modifiying the plow shoes for more blade height, I'll have a chance to test it out plowing snow this afternoon.</p>





How did the shoe mod work out? Can you attach pictures? That is the next project for me this week.</p>



Shoe modification went OK, haven't tested. I'll try & post pics on a new thread on Tuesday.</p>



SUPER Site Supporter
I was at my kubota dealer today and asked him again about the coast valve.We went back to the shop and spoke to the rtv mechanic. he told me that they have adjusted the stock valve on several of their customers rtv's to remove the engine braking.he said 2 1/2 turn with allen keythen lock valve back will do it. next time my 1100 goes to the shop i am going to try it</p>