Coast Valve installed on RTV-900 today


New member
After a lot of thinking and hesitating I broke down and bought the coast valve for my RTV-900. It is a new machine, and now it drives and shifts the way it should have out of the factory. My RTV is less than two months old, but the "pressure relief" valve I had to pull to release the pressure is a work around to a poor design.My wife was afraid to drive it for fear her foot would come off the gas peddle and she would get ejected. </p>

We have some very steep hills around here, and yes I need to use the brakes now, but that is what the brakes are for. When I come to a stop now most of the time I just take my foot off the gas and it stops very smoothly with no jerking. If I then need to put it in neutral or change gears, it is effortless as the transmission is not loaded. </p>

So, my suggestion for all is to get this thing. My satisfaction with the RTV just doubled today for a fraction of the cost of the machine. Kubota, please think about having this as an option, or if customers complain think about it as a possible fix!</p>



Senior Member
Site Supporter
I've heard nothing but great things about this coast valve!!!!!Happy it works for you and now you can give the RTV to the wife so she mayenjoy as much as we all do >>>>>>></p>

<span style="font-size: medium;"><font color="#ff0000"> <font face="JohnHancock">~~~~~~ Two Guns ~~~~~~</font></font></span></p>


New member
I'm thinking about installing one also. My only question is; does it void the warranty? Mine is only a month old.</p>


New member
Not sure about the warrentee, I'll put the OEM one back in if that is an issue, it only takes ten minuts to do. Hardest part for me was figuring out where the 10 mm allen plug was, that was vague or I was blind. </p>


muffler man

Active member
I just installed a coast valve in my 2004 rtv900. After running it at the deer lease over the weekend,I am thoroughly impressed with the way it works. It allows for a much smoother stop with very gradual engine braking. My deer lease has some very steep hills and I didn,t have a problem with braking at all. I kept the old valve just in case I didn't like the way the new one performed. I doubt I will be putting it back in now.</p>





<div>Coast Valve installed on RTV-1100, took five minutes. rtv 1100 is much easier to install. Changed our life on driving. Purchased off of ebay.</div>
<div><span style="font-size: x-small; font-family: Arial;"></span></div>


Senior Member
Site Supporter
Got to ask this >>>> </p>

The valve that comes with the RTV's, must make the fluid hold back some, being the way it makes the machine do the engine braking thing. Now, so that it would be replaced with another valve ( a.k.a. coast valve ) , one that would not restrict pressure. Does it seem to make the machine have better response and maybe a little more pep.... and shiftinga little easier thatall that pressure is not just " balled " up , ,,,,, this is just a theory >????</p>

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jamie</p>


New member
<p style="__styledocument: [object];">Jamie, </p>
<p style="__styledocument: [object];"> I would love to hear about that info as well. Would you folks that have them, mind doing some tests, using both valves, driving/pulling uphill before and after? Maybe top speed and possibly, like Jamie asked, to pay attention to thetorque difference,upon take off, from a rolling motion, as well as from a stop? Thank in advance if you don't mind doing all of that for us. I'll understand if you don't want to switch back and forth between valves for every task. It would be alot of work, for nothing more than helping us decide if it's right for us.</p>
<p style="__styledocument: [object];">Daryle.</p>


Wow! A possible answer to the sticky shifting.........hmmmmm.....I am definitely interested. One question though, if you install this thing will you coast uncontrollably down hill? Could be a concern especially with a full load. Please advise.</p>




Just wondering if you got the valve installed. Was thinking on ordering one for my 1100. Tell what you think! Happy Turkey day.........Ron</p>


I ordered it from the same guy as everyone else on ebay on Monday (11/24). Have yet to receive an email and he has not replied to my requests for information. Not feeling good about it so far. Will advise when I get information or the part.</p>


Mannie, how did the install go? Work as planned? Did you have any trouble getting it shipped from the guy on eBay?</p>



I ordered mine last Wednesday & it arrived on Friday. Most sellers on ebay thank you for the order & give you a tracking number, but not this one. That bothered me also_Other than that, it is exactly as described & includes detailed instructions. Ihaven't had time to put it in yet.</p>
