Clarkson's Farm

Nothing more dangerous than a religious fanatic of Any Flavor. Oldpath, perhaps your higher power could help pay for my f##king taxes on the land that your higher power owns....I awaitith the checkith in the mail.
Nothing more dangerous than a religious fanatic of Any Flavor. Oldpath, perhaps your higher power could help pay for my f##king taxes on the land that your higher power owns....I awaitith the checkith in the mail.
Truth be known you wont even own the grave you will be buried in, you are just temporally renting the land your on now. Once God takes back his property you will be kicked off for ever and wont have to worry about heating fuel anymore or taxes. then God will give his new earth and new Heaven to his people...........
Psalm 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.
And let the mocking of bible believer's continue, it will increase as time goes on. But I remember back in the day it wasn't like that, it was far and few between now it seems to be everywhere and everyday.......
Why are bible believers and God's word mocking, ridiculing, laughing at, pushing around, spitting on, beating on, making fun of, shunning, excluding, pushing away................. People who believe in Santa Claus oh that's ok and good...............
You need to ask Jesus Christ for salvation and the light will come on, oh I cant wont do that, I'd rather believe man came from monkey's that makes more since..............
"Truth be known you wont even own the grave you will be buried in"...My kids have been instructed to cremate me and spread my ashes on route 66...
Truth be known God will and can still find you for judgement day, cremation is nothing new to him...........
Romans 14:11 For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
Remember this might be the last time you have on earth to make a decision for Christ, there are no do overs.........
Yes lots of religions, to many religion's, who's right and who's wrong......... The answer is which one has a risen savior and is alive today, and how much time does one have left to make a choice...........
Truth be known I'm no better than anyone here, just better off, made my choice in 1987 for Jesus Christ, if wrong what have I lost, if the world is wrong what have they lost, it's not a pretty picture..............
I feel like my best years are behind me, and dont think retirement is not at all what it's cracked up to be...............
"Truth be known I'm no better than anyone here".. Thank You for that statement Oldpath, now lets get on with the fun of owning a Kubota!! Cheers,Scotty