Cargo net, material handling?


New member
I am trying to move 80lb bags of quickcrete from the trailer to the work site. I am thinking of a cargo net or tarp with straps that I can attach to my boom pole. I'm fine with only moving 3 or 4 bags at a time.

Any ideas, can't seem to find anything at TS, HarborF or NT.


I'm assuming you're wanting to keep it elevated.

I'd probably take a pallet and run chain from the 4 corners up to the boom pole. Possibly another point to hook the pallet to the 2 vertical points on the boom pole to keep it from swaying.
Yea, I kind of thought about just making a deck and using chain to go to the pole but I thought that if I found a net of some sort I could use it for clean up around the yard. One advantage of your idea is I could have it in a day and wouldn't cost but a couple of bucks worth of chain. I could always be on the lookout for a material handling net.
Sounds like you need a carry-all. Most places have them for about $100.

Put this on your tractor instead of the boom pole and you can put a pallet on it or make a box for other chores.
I put mounted deck boards permanent on my carry all to expand the bottom surface a bit. It worked out nicely. I wish I still had it, I sold it with the 8N :bonk:
Not really related but ...

I found some commercial fish net, the kind where they hoist a ton or so of fish aboard with a winch. A 6 x 10 section of this net is the best thing I have ever seen for securing a load of debris or even furniture in the trailer.

I generally use a couple of ratchet straps over the load also, but the net alone should be sufficient.

This net might work for your application but I would use the carryall, or else a chained pallet like zoom said if the material has to be delivered to a higher level.
I put mounted deck boards permanent on my carry all to expand the bottom surface a bit.
Similar, I have a 4 x 6 sheet of plywood screwed down to a pallet, and carry that with the carryall or the strap-on front bucket forks.

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Thanks for the replies guys. The reason I like the cargo net/tarp idea is the other uses I will have for it. Disadvantages are that it has to be placed on the ground to load/unload the bags of quickcrete. The homemade platform advantages are that I can raise it to the height of the pile of bags and load or unload as necessary and I can build it in a couple of minutes. Disadvantage is I don't know if I will be able to use it for yard cleanup as well.

I found the cargo tarp on one of the big retailer sites and didn't save the link so it's my fault for not being able to find it again.

I can probably build a cargo net to meet my needs, it's going to rain down here for another day or so and I should be in the garage solving this problem. The cargo net will only carry a couple of hundred pounds, limited by the size of the boom pole so I can use smaller rope.

I can see a real advantage to buying a carryall attachment but you may want to refer to my earlier post about implement overload. It's on the list but now that we are closer to Christmas the wife keeps asking what I want and I am trying to decide between carryall or Homebrew equipment or if her bonus is real nice a new Lang 48 smoker.

Thanks again for the help, if anybody runs across the missing link to the cargo tarp please post it for me.

Off the subject but Two Guns has one heck of a smoker similar to the Lang. It is well engineered I think to his specs or by him. It is first class in my opinion. Bordercollie