I measured it to be 1 " but will check again. The battery was out in my micrometer but I used the manual slide on it. Pretty sure its 1 " though.
Worked on fence this morning, then got under the house(it's 4 ft off the ground) - removed the old insulation last week with a tyvek suit / respirator,gloves and goggles on. about burned up with that free sauna but on a time line so got it done and cleaned up... got a nice bonus as well, this week I'm using new clamps and rehanging the wires under there. Tore out all of the satellite tv wiring and ran new 5e cable for the dsl. I cancelled dtv a couple of years ago and haven't missed it one bit.. Even after having it since "94!! . So much free stuff on a Roku TV- if you have a decent speed on the internet. Others options available if desired.
. Bil is having the house insulated using a technique called incapsulation . Where the interior sides are insulated as well as the ground and 2 dehumidifiers . That 25 year old insulation was holding condensation from the a/c units and duct work . It was then molding and causing rot to the flooring!! The old part of the house is 180 years old so that was very concerning. Anyways, still gotta remove the insulation from the duct work but gotta do that in order the bil decrees. As he has an electrician coming in to place power for the dehumidifiers first, so that is next for me. Pretty easy work since I'm short.
Anyways life is never boring around here. . The Mack does have a CB, Aurthuritis !! How does that song go now... "a long way to go and a short time to get there"?? Haha.