Briggs vanguard big block


Active member
Has anyone had any experience with the big block Vanguards, the 31HP to be exact?
I've never come across one, and am toying with the idea of ordering one for my articulated machine. I don't really want one if they have a reputation for breaking down or anything.

Its between the 22HP small block, and the 31HP big block. $800 price difference. The extra HP would be nice, but not essential.
I know the small blocks have a proven record and I like them, no idea about the big blocks.

Anyone have any thoughts/information or experience? I think they use them on ZTRs, maybe someone has come across one there?

I've attached pictures of the 2 engines


They seem to get good reviews over on At least, I don't remember anyone saying anything really bad about them. I think you will need the extra HP.

You should look at Kawasaki engines too. I'm not sure how big they go but the 25HP Kawasaki on my ZTR is pretty impressive.

I know very little about these engines. I did read recently that an owner has 4000 hours and is on his 8th season with the 22 (21.5) HP engine.

My understanding is these Vanguard diesel engines are co-designed and built by B&S AND Daihatsu


I though Daihatsu builds diesel engines for Kawasaki...?
PB, I did a quick search over at LS, I couldn't see anyone say too much bad about them. One guy was having problems at 1000 hours, but thats about it.
I think you've got it with the HP, now I've seen the bigger engine I will always be thinking 'I should have got the bigger' if I get the 22HP.
The only reason I'm looking at Briggs over the others is I can get a better discount on Briggs. I have 1 Kawi and its a lovely engine.

Mark, (saw your post on MTF, I'll reply here though)
these are both gasoline engines. I'd be happy to get 2000 hours out of an engine, 4000 hours is very impressive!
I think these engines are built in Japan by Daihatsu, infact, all the Vanguards are made in Japan I believe.

Thanks for the posts.
Does anyone have any idea how the cost of parts etc compares to other Briggs engines? Does the Daihatsu link push up the parts prices?
Guys, thanks for your help, I ordered the 31HP engine this morning. Hopefully it'll prove to be as good as it appears.
It should have been a good deal with the shape our $ is in. I sure can't afford one here. Don't know if I could afford the diesel to put in one, either. :)

Well, you guys know I just recieved this engine the other day. Today I got a message about a Kubota diesel for sale second hand, so it seems I might have jumped buying this engine too soon.
Either way, its too late now.

Ted, oddly enough, prices go up when the $ is doing well, but dont go down when its doing badly. As to the price of fuel, I can run a machine all day for less than what it costs to go out for a fancy meal, and I know which I'd rather do! I can play on the digger for a heck of a long time for what a holiday costs nowadays, and again, I know which I'd rather do!
Congrats Mith. I'm glad to hear you got the 31hp one also. As heavy duty as your frame looks I'm sure you can use the extra HP.
Look forward to pics of you getting it all together.
Hows the weather over there? We've had crazy severe thunder storms, and now it's 90+ yesterday, today and more of the same predicted for the next 5 days. Weird weather system for sure.
just wondering if you guys are seeing any weirdness on your side of the pond?
Jim, you better latch onto that Kubota for your next project.....and I'm sure there will be one.
Doc, pretty settled really, been hot and sunny the last few days. I wouldnt mind a few thunder storms, makes it interesting you know. Its been a wet year so far, usually this time of year is dry and dusty, but at the moment I still have mud.
I've got a few tons of wood to move today then it can rain all it likes! :D

Nica, I might give him a ring to see how much he wants, I'd like to get one to toy around with running it on chip fat etc.
