Big mistake

GF's son and kids live olut in the boondock in a manufactured home. Thursday evening the two boys, ages 12 and soon to be 14 were home alone. They had seen someone outside but paid no attention. Then bang the guy kicks in the door the younger one had a large plastic cup in his hand and he threw it and hit the guy in the head. the older one grabbed a large wooden spoon and began to whoop on the guy. The guy fell down then jumped up and ran. They got a description on the guy and truck, but no plate number.
Y'shouldn't of published that. Now the libbies'll wanna restrict access to wooden spoons and plastic cups! :pat:
Geeze Tinkertoys,

This could have been a much worse story and ending. I’m glad to hear those boys had their senses about them, reacted quickly and defended themselves and their property.

I hope to read a follow up where this jerk is caught, arrested and put away. Can you imagine what would have happened if he broke into some seniors home? Bloody crack-heads will do anything, including murder. to get their next fix.
I'm also glad they were quick on their feet, & surprised the a$$-hole.

Geeze Tinkertoys,

This could have been a much worse story and ending. I’m glad to hear those boys had their senses about them, reacted quickly and defended themselves and their property.

I hope to read a follow up where this jerk is caught, arrested and put away. Can you imagine what would have happened if he broke into some seniors home? Bloody crack-heads will do anything, including murder. to get their next fix.

With any luck, the senior would show him the business end of a 1911, AND what the .45 inch chunk of hot lead will do on they way thru the heart/lung area. :mrgreen: