barn is now a drive thru

A neighbor calls and says what's that hole in your barn. A 20 year old drove 75 yards off the road into my barn this morning. He left the scene, drove 30 miles to work in Norwood Ohio. Fortunately the car is registered in Ohio and his front license plate was laying on top of my bush hog. He actually broke one of the poles in two that hold the barn up. How did the radiator survive??


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i would loan that boy a hammer and some nails and some tin and wood. then i would let him fix what he tore up. while i watched! maybe a new vocation???
While that would be good for the boy, I would have his insurance pay to have a professional fix that for you.
He was probably on his cell phone. :pat:
He works for a trucking company, and his boss wants to pay me rather than turn it into the insurance co. The car he was driving is a Mike Albert Lease vehicle. He never hit his brakes not one skid mark in the grass. My guess is he just got a FIX and passed out coming around the curve and didn't wake up till the airbag hit him in the face. There is a reason he left the scene, drugs, alcohol or both. Looks like he is going to get away with it unless I press charges with the prosecutor. I always thought if you left the scene of an accident the police come looking for you.
Yep. I'd press charges.

I regret the day I only called the wrecker when I came across an overturned car in the country with a crying old woman who was unhurt but begged me not to call law enforcement or her husband because "this is the third time" she'd done something like this.

I believe she was intoxicated and likely awakened in the middle of a curve and over-reacted, losing control.

I hope she never kills someone, and I wish I'd called the sheriff.
Sometimes doing the right thing is not the popular thing. Enabling bad behavior usually does not make for a positive permanent solution.
Works for a trucking company? And never hit the brakes?

Sorry, get him off the road before he takes out some innocent family. He's sure to have a 'second chance' repeat sooner or later. If he has a commercial license it should be pulled, as a minimum.

We just missed a yellow light, then came around a curve to find the last car that had made the light was hit head on by an unconscious drunk who crossed two lanes to hit her head on at 60 mph. Died in moments. Granddaughter napping across the back seat was thankfully only bruised, motorists were helping her get out when we saw her. Can you imagine the memories she will have for her lifetime?

Do what you have to do. Get that guy off the road.
He's 20 and I don't know that he drives a truck but he and his dad both work for this trucking company. A friend told me he thinks you have to be 21 to have a CDL. He did go to a hospital in Ohio but I doubt they did a blood test. Can't be 100% positive he was on drugs or drunk but why else leave the scene unless you have something to hide.
He works for a trucking company, and his boss wants to pay me rather than turn it into the insurance co. The car he was driving is a Mike Albert Lease vehicle. He never hit his brakes not one skid mark in the grass. My guess is he just got a FIX and passed out coming around the curve and didn't wake up till the airbag hit him in the face. There is a reason he left the scene, drugs, alcohol or both. Looks like he is going to get away with it unless I press charges with the prosecutor. I always thought if you left the scene of an accident the police come looking for you.
They should be coming after him for leaving. . Probably has "friends" in high places that will cover it up if you don't make a case out of it.. If he never hit the brakes, left the scene etc.. I'd call the law on him. Doing the right thing would be to stop the car, come find you , explain what happened and go from there- in that case I might feel differently but the way he did was wrong wrong .. collie.

edit: He had no idea he lost his plate... and thought he was scott free and was gonna leave you with the destruction.
yup. 20 yr old isn't a boy. and it sounds like he could give a flip about your damage. i would be calling the insurance company for the rental and let them prosecute.
I did not tell the whole story too long. The police were called he took pictures and ran the plate while he was there. Collie you are correct if he hadn't lost the plate probably got away with it. The pic is not all the way to the barn but if it was me there would skid marks for sure.


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I am sorry for the damage and the associated hassle getting it fixed - how ever you go about fixing it. Thank God your barn stopped him and not your house. Hopefully this is a wake up call for the boy. Kindness truly can be a jump-ball. Does it become an enabler or is it that wake up call that changes a person's direction. I usually err on the side of accountability.
Looking at your picture, I'd think it was amazing he didn't get wrapped around one of those trees or even thrown out/killed if not wearing a seatbelt- if he had have hit one..