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Tornado skipped over us just now- those alerts told us to get to the safe room and we did .. Get the weather alert on your phone !!!! going off now again.. we have trees down everywhere and no power.. lot of them in diff places one next to house. neighbor down the road saw tornado .. battery going so may be a bit before we get it back. Ya'll be safe and God bless ya'll. judy
Sorry to hear of your weather situation Collie. Hopefully all will end well.

Southern Missouri has been hammered by heavy rain for the past couple days. Friend of mine is a local firefighter. They are rescuing people from flooded homes. The worst of the flooding will come tomorrow. A large lake near him is going to crest 5' above the Earthen Spillway.
Glad all are able to get their heads up and safe enough to look around and thank HIM that all is well........PLEASE send HIS grace and blessings to those that have lost all.........
All those in harms way... just know we all are thinking of youse (Pittsburghese speak) and praying for your safety. Check back in to the Forum when you are able and lets us known how you are and... if there is anything we can do for y'all.
Glad you are okay Jude Jude Judy!!! Ohio is getting the heavy rains today. Hopefully no high winds / tornadoes with it.
Glad to hear you're well. For all those in the path of these storms, please be careful and take appropriate precautions!
I spoke to soon. We had a tornado watch and some strong winds. All gone now. No tornado touched down in this general area that I am aware of.
I spoke to soon. We had a tornado watch and some strong winds. All gone now. No tornado touched down in this general area that I am aware of.

We didn't get any tornado but we did get 3.5" of rain.... looks like I will be replanting some areas.
Lots of wind today and just a minute ago.. 8 PM.....had to be 50 or 60 MPH that was bending the trees like spaghetti in a bowl..........Anyway, all is OK and glad everyone except JUDY is reporting in as being just fine........God is good........
Weird here. High winds keep ripping through here. Then all is calm. 30 minutes later high winds again. Unusual. At least no more rain. All appears clear of the wet stuff on radar.
Thank you everyone !! We are safe and the roads are now cleared. The power came on earlier today (about 30 hrs with no power) . I spent the day with the saw and skid steer in the close by pastures. The trees that were on the fence down the road, I just cut and pulled with the RTV to clear . One more pasture to go and then some .
We got just a little rain so are good in that respect.
I'm grateful to Him that ya'll are ok. judy

edit: posted pictures of the road after cleanup by road crews. and a picture of the tree top that just missed the house.


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Looks like that hit you pretty hard glad everyone is ok collie. Sounds like you have the right tools for a efficient clean up! The work never stops.
Thank you.Alaskan. We were blessed because it skipped around and did worse in other places. That picture of the road is just down from our mail box . Our neighbor a mile to the west got it bad. He is right where the "delta" starts and his huge oak trees are no more.. so sad in that way but no lives were lost around here. 2 miles to the south as a crow flies, a group of houses lost their trees big time. Our other neighbor to the east a mile had 60 acres of 2' high corn flattened but hopes it will spring back up since so young. He has near a 1000 of acres coming up so that is a blessing.
I do appreciate that skid steer. I was able to reach and pull down those odd angled limbs and then pile and push.. I did knock off and break the never used wiper blade arm though ...
Yes, I am grateful for His blessings for sure.
I hope to get the major stuff finished up today unless I find big fence mashers .
Glad it was just some trees on the road; but I do hate to loose those yard trees. The blessing though is it missed the house.......It's a really sinking feeling when you walk out the door....see those trees in the yard down and say to yourself...."oh no, the fences, and barns..what's next"...........Then the little prayer that comes out to thank HIM for what HE gives you............
Agreed Dennis. In 96 , a tornado came thru here the first time and I'll never forget the creaking and popping as the 150 year old trees fell and well... I'll never forget that.. We had no safe room and were all crammed in a little 4 ft bathroom. That was before cell phones and Kubotas .. I had been working on a burn pile and was driving an old Ford truck.. I heard the weather alert on the radio and it said would be in the Flora area at 12 :34 I looked at my wrist watch and it was 12 :30 so I jumped in and put it in go... went under this dark cloud bank about a 1/2 mile from the house.. zipped to the house and grabbed some instructions laying on the steps for putting a gate together and as Sis and I herded the kids to the little area ( bil at work), the power went and as we shut the door, the trees cracked and the house groaned. Lots of damage that day .. We found a feed trough a mile away . I am a tornado magnet I guess this is #3 direct and 2 others indirectly affected , ( Hamburg Ar and Dumas Ar )- a true miracle- no one killed where it hit the assisted living where my Mama was administrator.It was on national tv back then.- I helped salvage people's personal belongings because I was visiting at the old homeplace not far from there when it happened. I was so grateful for this miracle - most of the place was gone and there was a car in the "room" were my Dad's chair sat. collie
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