I am impressed with your project. Is your tractor hydrostatic? If so when you get some free time and you have nothing to do(yah, right) I wonder how tough it would be to reverse the unit so it basically drives backwards. The only reason I suggest this is that your machine looks like it is a dedicated unit and the whole pop over to the drivers seat to reposion the rig every few minutes does get old. I'm suprised this isn't done more actually.
I was contemplating a hoe for my kubota when a 20 ton excavator became available for about the same $$$ as the hoe and obvoisly it was many many many many many many times the digger. It is becoming overkill for most of my projects now that the celler and driveway are done, but I tell ya. being able to reposition the machine while you are sitting at the hoe controls is a great thing. I think I am now so spoiled I will have to get a mini excavator.
I willl watch your hydrolic work with interest
ps I spent some time in Portland BIll and southern England last summer and I was very taken by the farming operations over there. Feilds that would be abandoned over here are worked (and have been for over 10,000 years probably) and some of your rigs are fairly different. I saw a JCB forward cab thing and similiar older mercedes units that looked pretty slick with front pto and the such. I don't believe I have ever seen a CLaas here but they are obvously popular where you are. what really struck though me was that you had far more massey fergesons running around than I have ever seen and I have a massey dealership the next town over . Others may correct me, but I don't beleive Massey has ever been more popular than Deere, IH case, or Ford NH over here for the big stuff, but you guys sure had alot of them over there.