Are Canucks allowed here


New member
Hello from up North. Are there more Canucks here or am I the first? Just aquired my first tractor a couple of months ago and loving it. Camera broke so I haven't been able to take any new pics except with my cell phone. I'll post some pics soon and show what I've been doing around the property. :beer:
Welcome to NTT Giterdone!

I do believe we have a few...

Look forward to future posts, and those pictures too.

Congrats on your first tractor. :thumb: As you are learning they can be addictive a good way of course. The amount of work they can do for you is amazing. Looking forward to the pics of what you been doing around the property, and of your tractor of course. From your avatar it looks like a New Holland. What model is it.
Not sure if you are the first Canuck. I thought we had one or two others but I run a few forums and get mixed up who's where.
Glad you found us here on Net Tractor Talk. Enjoy and post often. :thumb: :D
Not only do they allow Canucks here, some of us have even infiltrated the upper ranks.

It's all part of the master plan for Canadian World Domination! :cool:

Welcome to the forum!
Congrats on your first tractor. :thumb: As you are learning they can be addictive a good way of course. The amount of work they can do for you is amazing. Looking forward to the pics of what you been doing around the property, and of your tractor of course. From your avatar it looks like a New Holland. What model is it.
Not sure if you are the first Canuck. I thought we had one or two others but I run a few forums and get mixed up who's where.
Glad you found us here on Net Tractor Talk. Enjoy and post often. :thumb: :D

Thanks for the welcome guys.:wave: Looking forward to some serious forum reading. As for the model, it's actually a Ford 1900. Guess they can be mistaken for a New Holland from a distance. Pretty good work horse so far. Just wish I had a backhoe for it. Can't have everything at once I suppose. But in time it will come.
The 1900 series are nice tractors, I almost bought a 1920 before I bought my Mahindra.

Where abouts are you on the Island? I lived in B.C. for the first 30 years of my life.
The 1900 series are nice tractors, I almost bought a 1920 before I bought my Mahindra.

Where abouts are you on the Island? I lived in B.C. for the first 30 years of my life.

I'm in Cedar/Yellowpoint area, just south of Nanaimo. Originally from Victoria, but got tired of the big city life. :tiphat:
I'm in Cedar/Yellowpoint area, just south of Nanaimo. Originally from Victoria, but got tired of the big city life. :tiphat:

That's a nice area. I spent some time at Shawnigan Lake when my uncle lived there. My Dad has a place on Hornby. I'd like to live on the Island if it wasn't for those ferries. I find them to be some what of a PITA. :rolleyes: