Anyone have info on this https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/173432073753
Is it just the plug or do you have to buy the valve also? How long have you had it in?
How many hours do you have on it with the plug installed Dave
Question - someone told me that you did not need a coast plug if you had an x900 or x1120...basically an x model. But I can tell you, especially when God-children drive us, its a neck snapper.
For those of you with X models, what was different after installing the plug?
It's just a plug. You take the old one out and replace it with the new one...5 minute job. Mine has been in since February or March of 2017. It's well worth it if you're tired of getting launched into the windshield.
i need to look at mine but i think the aluminum seal has been removed. i wonder if it has been adjusted? because it stops very softly
There's a thread on here about adjusting rather than replacing. Can't remember who started though.
been looking at the oil flow schematics and diagrams. there is a special valve called the dynamic brake relief valve and there is an instruction on it's adjustment or replacement in the WM. from the previous photo's of the valve cap and plug i think the new plug replaces the cap and stem on the High Pressure relief valve and the dynamic brake valve is unaffected. could you please scan the instructions that came with your coast plug?