allis chalmer 5030


New member
I have found a local AC5030 with ag tires. It has sliding gear transmission, Toyosha 2 cylinder diesel 1.5L, 26 PTO horsepower engine.

1. Are these compact tractors reliable? This one has <1000 hours.

2. Are front end loaders available and are the loaders capable. The Deere 4440 has a nice loader but I want a compact unit. Will the AC5030 run like a agriculturally sized Deere?

3. Does the hydraulic pump produce enough volume to run 8 inch grain auger?

4. Transmission: The JD4555 has a transmission that allows shifting with out using the clutch while under load. You can shift from forward to reverse easily at low speed without clutching and that would make the loader on the AC5030 very useful. Will this sliding gear system all that?

Glad you found us!

I'm not familiar with that model but someone should come along who is.

There should be an AC branded loader available from a dealer and there are several good aftermarket manufacturers. The one I've used in the past is Woods.

Toyosha engines are supposedly great engines...heard nothing but good about them. My Massey MF1010 has a 16hp 3 cylinder Toyosha engine. I think it's the Allis 5020 that is almost the same as my MF1010. There are others here that know much more about these tractors, but after doing research on my tractor, I have found nothing to worry about engine wise.
I can't help you with your particular questions though, so hopefully someone will come along with the answers.
Welcome asdfgh1!!

The AC5020 and AC5030 tractors were built in Japan by Hinomoto. These same models with the Toyosha engines were also used in the Simplicity, Massey Ferguson and, of course Allis Chalmers.

Strong, reliable and well built tractors indeed.
Welcome to Net Tractor Talk asdfgh1!!!

called westendorf. they have no record of ever fitting a loader on an AC5930.

That's to bad. I still wonder if one can be fabricated to fit it, or if for some reason a front end loader isn't a good idea on that particular machine? I recall one model of Kubota that you could put a loader on but because power steering was not available on that model that a FEL on there was simply not a good idea. Oh, it would work, but you had to man handle the steering wheel hwne you had a heavy load in the FEL.
Is the bell housing and transmission case aluminum?? If that's the case then most FEL builders won't offer a kit for those tractors.
Is the bell housing and transmission case aluminum?? If that's the case then most FEL builders won't offer a kit for those tractors.

You can get a FEL for a Massey 1010, but it has the aluminum tranny case, and some actually break in half!:shock: If the loader frame extended all the way to & bolted under the axle housing, then it would be safe for a FEL even with aluminum trans case.
I have also read that some of the Hinomoto tractors ( not sure of the mod.) That had the aluminum bell housing. It wasn't recommended that you install an FEL on these machines . Although some added frame extenions & installed an FEL