70's Yanmar on Ebay advertised as 2002 model


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Ok, these things hold their value real well but this is ridiculous.

This tractor is 5 years older than mine, and he claims it is a 2002. If he's ever even thought about buying parts he is quite aware of its age. Parts are plentiful, but I'm sure any parts supplier has told him they haven't put 2 cylinder engines in the tractors for 25+ years.


He has so many paragraphs about what he will do to you if you don't follow his instructions, that I just had to respond - in much simpler terms:

"That's a 1970's tractor. You were defrauded or you are trying to get away
with a fraud. Which is it?"

And real quick I got a reply.

"Yes I'm trying my darndest to defraud the buyer
just as you've figured!! You're very wise, intelligent, etc!
I'll make a correction to the listing!
Best Regards,

He didn't change '2002' in the Description at the top of the listing, he just added a small note at the bottom that repeats what I told him. It doesn't stand out among all his gripes and threats.

"seller is not be responsible for the correct description, authenticity, genuineness, or defects herein, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. No allowance or set aside will be made on account of any incorrectness, imperfection, defect...

"I do not play around when it comes to non-paying bidders. I encourage you to read over eBay's policy on non-paying bidders and to look into past eBay contact agreement settlements. This type of litigation is expensive and the non-paying bidder almost always loses

"... non-paying bidder ends up incurring all damages, and if they are under-age their parents pick up the tab. If you don't have the money, DON'T BID. I accept no excuses, if your dog, cat, grandmother or pet cricket dies that's not my problem. As the winning bidder you owe me money.

"If I don't get that money, I will take you to court to get my money plus court and travel costs and in addition, damages..."

I don't think I'll bid on that one.

The tractor is so equipped: YM1500 - 17 HP - 2WD-GEAR - 2 CYL - 1335 lbs - manufactured ‘75-’79 - 2TR15 engine.

The whole deal stinks to high heaven. Can you imagine wearing out rear wheels (especially rice tires) at 400+ hours? Even the 6 current bids are either not authentic or the bidders are uninformed and bidding on the shear chance that this tractor is really five (and NOT 30) years old. Someone is going to get scammed by the seller.
And all the bids are before he added that 1970's sentence.

His feedback isn't that great. Even if I were local I wouldn't bid on that before I made a through examination to see what it needs. If he won't pump up that bad tire to drive it around, it isn't worth much.

Ebay is real uneven in stepping on Yanmar auctions. Sometimes they disappear immediately, other times just before the ending date. I just searched on 'Yanmar YM*' and one past auction ran to completion, a couple ended without bids that met a high starting price, and a couple were ended early by the seller.

As I understand it, ebay doesn't search directly for stuff to remove. They respond to complaints by the trademark owner, and there is a firm that contracts to do searches on behalf of various trademark owners. Maybe somebody isn't paying attention. I doubt Yanmar-USA changed their policy.
Was just following up on the guy selling that tractor and found Ebay had removed the listing. I was curious to see if he had actually managed to sell it. So all is well and lets hope he tries to be more honest in the future. I know...I know.....likely not.:forgetit::bangin:
Was just following up on the guy selling that tractor and found Ebay had removed the listing. I was curious to see if he had actually managed to sell it. So all is well and lets hope he tries to be more honest in the future. I know...I know.....likely not.:forgetit::bangin:
Win one for the consumer! :thumb: Now the only question that remains: Was the seller outright dishonest? Or just plain stupid? :brows:

Likely he's BOTH!

Could be....could be....what was interesting was his reply to CA and his less than forthcoming added note on his auction. He likely fell for one of the less than honest vietnam reconditioned dealers sales pitch, found out he had been scammed and just wants to pass on the scam by playing stupid. Seen my share of those on ebay.:bash: