3140 - PTO clutch


New member
The PTO clutch has gone on my 3140 (2 wheel drive with cab). The local JD dealer said I could pull the cluth out the back, but that's not the case it seems. This would involve splitting the tractor I assume? Any advice ( for example - don't try it yourself, get a mechanic to do it..etc) would be appreciated. Are workshp manuals still available for purchase for these older models? Thanks everyone, Muzzza, Australia
Yes a split is necessary, as well as removing the cab. A pretty intense job for a novice mechanic. The split is made between the clutch housing and the transmission housing. If your local dealer said it comes out of the rear, I wouldn't recommend him for the job. What is the clutch doing? Slipping? Are you sure linkage is working properly?
Thanks JD110, yes the clutch is slipping. Slashing some pretty high grass and the whole show just slows down to nothing. The clutch on the slasher is fine and the back end feels pretty warm afterwards, plus, there's a bit of a grey sludge in the hydraulic oil ( I assume remnants from the clutch kit). This 3140 has the yellow knob in the cab under he steering wheel, that you pull up - is there any adjustment in this linkage?
No, there is no linkage adjustment. If the knob stays engaged on it's own, then the valve is shifting all the way. Have you tried to test clutch engagement pressure? you should have somewhere between 140 to 180 psi. There are two pressure test ports on top of the valve housing, one is for the pto clutch and one is for pto brake. Do you have any hydraulic problems? Any brake problems? Gray sludge could also be brake debris(metal filings, etc.) have you changed filters and cleaned sump screen?