3000 pound winch really enough?

I am almost finished installing my warn XT30. but i am wondering if im stuck in some nice goopy mud, is 3000 pounds really enough?</p>


Gold Site Supporter
I had the same fear so I installed the RAMSEY 5000and have not pulled thekUBOTA apart yet...</p>

I love that Kubota.</p>





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with a snatch block that 3000 will be plenty but man 5000 would be real nice man i could achor down my rhino and pull them trees to me.</p>


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I have a 3000# Ramsey.</p>

When putting up the cable for the kids zip line, I found it was going to take some pulling. I thought about getting out the tractor but the RTV was already with me. I put in the snatch block for doubling purposes. I start pulling and the RTV starts dragging towards me. I get my son in the RTV with the instructions of keep it in R, don't touch the gas but keep your foot on the brake... HARD.</p>

Well, I pulled on that cable and that winch didn't quit. It did drag the RTV with all the brakes on. So far, I do believe 3K# will get-er-done (unless of course, you're Tommy).</p>


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3000 would be fine just have to rememebr that when it gets bogged down in some mud and it has a suction on the bottom that the rtv now has doubled in weight so i would keep that snatch block handy but if the 2500 handled the hpx i think the 3000 should handle the rtv.</p>


Senior Member
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Have a Ramsey 3000 pounder.
Used Once
Pulled Out Hunter on neighboring property. Woman run Four Wheeler in some kind of hole
where the only thing that was sticking out was about midway of the seat upwards. She had that thing buried good. Don't think she could have tried any harder and got it any deeper .
Not a problem pulling out .

Very scared, but happy woman to get out . Her husband was lost in the swamps over there. Took about hour and half or more to find him. He went to go get help, and got lost in the dark .

She is probobly still cussing him !!!! ( Hee * Hee ** Hee *** Hee )


I have the 5000 Ramsey. It's not much more $$ to go with a 5000 and then no worries. Why skimp in case you really need it.



I "fell" into a factory rebuilt M6000 Warn for cheap and made a detachable front 2x2 mount. It will hang the rtv from a tree like in the movie "gods must be crazy" Pulls so hard it scary and does the job.


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I bet it's very strong.

But by the looks of things. Need to strighten out your line. Not only will it help the life of the winch line. But will be safer. Also, you will be up a creek with no paddle if you manage to get your line pinched within itself or binded where it will not release from itself ....
It has happen, and when it does. The winch is useless !!!! Just a friendly thought !!!

I do like your winch, it will serve you very well !!!!

....... two guns


Thanks for the tip but I already found out the hard way. Pinched lines are frustrating and mine is loaded with over 80' of line which is nice but way too much for my needs. Now I rewind carefully under minimal tension and guide the line in. I'm sold on warn and their lifrtime guarantee. Its way over 20 years old and Warn completely rebuilt it for free. Even new paint and decals. They even paid for shipping both ways. Can't say they don't stand behind their products.