Usually a 30 hp tractor will not have a pump with more than around 9GPM capacity. It would take about 1/2 your engine power to produce that flow at 2500psi, and they have to leave something over to do other things with the tractor while you are using the hydraulics. With 2500 psi hydraulics on your tractor you are going to need at least a 4" hyd cyl. 9 or [probably] less gpm would be sloooww with a 4"cyl. Stand alone splitters use a 5 HP engine driving a 2 stage pump that pumps a lot of fluid at low pressure, then shifts down to a lower displacement when it encounters a lot of splitting resistance. This lets you get the wedge to the log quickly, and with typical logs that split quick you wont even notice it shift down to a slower ram speed. Small splitter 2 stage pumps are around 12gpm shifting down to about 3gpm for high pressure. These are suitable for reasonable speed with a 4"cyl. With your tractor the ram would never slow down, but would always be kinda slow. You will need a pto pump driven system to get around this slowness. Either that or buy a standalone.I had no plans to add a PTO pump. Im not sure of the flow rate and Im not home to look it up but it's a30 HP tractor, it should have more than enough power and flow for a log splitter, I would think.
Usually a 30 hp tractor will not have a pump with more than around 9GPM capacity. It would take about 1/2 your engine power to produce that flow at 2500psi, and they have to leave something over to do other things with the tractor while you are using the hydraulics. With 2500 psi hydraulics on your tractor you are going to need at least a 4" hyd cyl. 9 or [probably] less gpm would be sloooww with a 4"cyl. Stand alone splitters use a 5 HP engine driving a 2 stage pump that pumps a lot of fluid at low pressure, then shifts down to a lower displacement when it encounters a lot of splitting resistance. This lets you get the wedge to the log quickly, and with typical logs that split quick you wont even notice it shift down to a slower ram speed. Small splitter 2 stage pumps are around 12gpm shifting down to about 3gpm for high pressure. These are suitable for reasonable speed with a 4"cyl. With your tractor the ram would never slow down, but would always be kinda slow. You will need a pto pump driven system to get around this slowness. Either that or buy a standalone.
Wow! Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Reps for you too.This is my 3pt splitter. I used to run it off the pto, wasn't too bad with the tractor withs the 2sp pto at 1000rpm.
I changed it last winter and put an engine and pump on it.
I split some fair size wood at times and that is the reason for the boom and winch.
talking of splitter wedges. Mine is a T. In this fashion it doesn't matter how large the piece is, you get 2 pieces off the bottom of the block each time.
I find that unless all your wood is just the perfect size thes works well. even with a smaller system I would go with this. As I pust the block through the knife, it is easy to tip the block up and let it ride the ram back to drop in for the next push.
I just finished up about 50 cord. I may be leaving for work, and wanted enough to keep her warm while I am gone lol. As the logging in this part of the country is going down the tube figured I would get some while I could.
This splitter is about 25+ yrs old, has split some of the worst knarliest wood you could ever put through a splitter.