New member
I encountered a major leak underneath my seat. Upon further investigation, the main high pressure line from the pump to the top of the hydrostatic differential. Oil would spray out when I was using down pressure on the loader. I removed the tube ( 4 hrs what a job! ) to find two small pin size holes at the 90 degree bend before the banjo bolt which is located under the seat. My tractor was 2 yrs old last June with 322 hrs. The dealer informed me that the part was $337.00 and was not covered on warranty. When looking at the tube, it seems to have some flaws around the 90 degree bend. The dealer admits to never hearing of this sort of problem nor do any of my tractor buddies. I would think that a hose would blow before a metal tube and if a tube would blow I would think it would have a noticeable crack. If anyone has anything on this sort of problem please let me know.