Talked to a man about a YM2000 today. He wants $1800 for tractor, shredder, and box blade. After conversing with him about Yanmar tractors for awhile he told me to call him in a couple of weeks. Said if it don't sell it will be real cheap. We will see.
Talked to a man about a YM2000 today. He wants $1800 for tractor, shredder, and box blade. After conversing with him about Yanmar tractors for awhile he told me to call him in a couple of weeks. Said if it don't sell it will be real cheap. We will see.
$1800 including the implements??!!! Just do it!

Somebody will grab it quick at that price. Assuming it is in shape to put right to work. Heck even if it could use a couple hundred $ refurbishing. I paid more than twice that for mine with a loader but no implements.

This model is simple and indestructible. I've had the US version of YM2000 for six years, made every stupid beginner mistake, and finally after six years something broke. The rollpin that keeps the shift lever from revolving.

Total repair cost after six years: 75 cents for the rollpin.

Added: Oops. I just looked in your Profile and see you already have two of them. Heck I would still buy it!
I agree!!

The YM2000/YM240 is still (probably) the best, well supported model ever produced. What's most unique to this model vs. others, are the size of the bull gears (nearly double in size) as the tractor was built for, and saw double duty in the rice fields and the dairy farm industry.

One tough rig.
