1955 Allis-Chalmers CA


Well-known member
Finally got myself an antique tractor to play with!

1955 Allis-Chalmers CA. Motor was just refurbished, new drive clutch and converted to 12 volt.

I've already got parts shipped from Yesterday's Tractor and Steiner's.

Going to restore it over the next while.


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Sweet! Looks to be in good shape so I hope most of your work is cosmetic.
Thank you. The biggest task is going to be the rear power spin-out rims. They are getting pretty rotten around the valve stems. New ones aren't real cheap, but a mechanic friend of mine said he has welding pieces in worse, so they may be able to be saved.

Other than that the biggest cost will be the sand blasting and painting. But I'm not even in a panic to do that. It's a working 1955....can't be perfect after all those years, LOL.

I bet the current new tractors won't still be working 63 years from now.
Thank you. The biggest task is going to be the rear power spin-out rims. They are getting pretty rotten around the valve stems. New ones aren't real cheap, but a mechanic friend of mine said he has welding pieces in worse, so they may be able to be saved.

Other than that the biggest cost will be the sand blasting and painting. But I'm not even in a panic to do that. It's a working 1955....can't be perfect after all those years, LOL.

I bet the current new tractors won't still be working 63 years from now.

Most new tractors seem to be kept undercover, except on sunny days when they take them out for a photo shoot. Kioti owners seem to be the worse:respect:
I work my little Kubota hard, but I do keep it inside, LOL.

I just love the simplicity of these old tractors.

I wan't looking for any particular brand, but a local friend of mine has a few of these Allis's and offered this one to me, so I jumped at it.

Haven't decided yet if I will replace the original Allis snap couplers or covert it to three point hitch with a kit that is available.