Very good point. A simple visit and discussion with the Service Manager or better yet one of the mechanics might answer all these questions for the OP.
I bought and installed one on my 900 couple years ago. Can't remember what it cost me. I think I did a thread here. Might search for it.
I love mine. One of the better, if not the best mod I've done.
Dennis, calm down. I simply asked to clarify the professionalism of the employee based on money paid. That's how Capitalism works. No negativism pointed at anybody. You started the conversation.
If you look closely to the right of the receiver you can see a rubber bumpstop connected to the frame. You can aldo see the gap between that bumpstop and the suspension tube the hitch is fastened to. That's how much uptravel the tube has under load. If the gap between the new hitch and the...
Scott, the aftermarket electric pump only provides a constant fuel flow to the injector pump. The injector pump builds the pressure necessary to put the injectors into relief. If you can put 3-5 psi to the injector pump you'll be fine.