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  1. M

    Brake Fluid Advice

    All and probably more than you wanted to know about brake fluid It is replacement of the corrosion inhibitors that make periodically replacing the brake fluid a good idea. The low speeds and minimal use of brakes as a result of the engine braking on...
  2. M

    Bleeding the Brakes

    See the discussion on this thread
  3. M

    Brake Fluid Advice

    Kubota is pretty specific about using DOT 3 brake fluid. I figure their engineers know way more about this stuff than I do. You can't look at brake fluid and tell if it has absorbed moisture, so appearance really doesn't help. It is the water dissolved in the brake fluid that causes all the...
  4. M

    Brake Fluid Advice

    Thanks BC. I thought that might be where Kubota was hiding the front bleed nipple. Most auto manufacturers recommend replacing your brake fluid every 2 years because brake fluid is hygroscopic (picks up water) and will cause rust in the master and slave cylinder bores. The newer style master...
  5. M

    Bleeding the Brakes

    Anyone have a photo of the location of the FRONT brake bleed nipple? Not sure why the Kubota owner's manual is so cryptic about this part of the maintenance schedule. Must be a liability issue for them or they are just trying to increase service appointments for their dealers.