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  1. M

    Who should suffer the loss?

    I talked to the dairy farmer and he knows what my hay quality looks like, he said he felt confident that he got my hay, minus one bale. Marshall
  2. M

    Who should suffer the loss?

    No, that hay didn't go to waste, they break open round bales there, square bale them and sell them as square bales. What do you think they did with the broke open bale? Just throw it away???? I know not... fringe benefit plan alright. Ticks me off... Marshall
  3. M

    Who should suffer the loss?

    :cuss: I sold 100 roles of hay to a dairy farmer that is 215 miles from my house. The buyer contracted with a Farmer / trucking operation to haul the hay to the fellows dairy. Well, the first trailer was sent out to my place and it was a low boy type trailer, not a flatbed trailer. I loaded 33...
  4. M

    I need help. PTO switch dumping all at once on brand new 5085M tractor.

    How I made out. Well, I got the tractor back today. I took it in a week and a half ago and they started the repairs. However, when they put the rear assembly back together, the interior parts of the PTO was not seated properly and when they hit the switch for the PTO, there was a very bad...
  5. M

    View from my back yard

    Me and my son this past spring with his first turkey. Got the turkey right behind our house, our land. Great morning. Marshall
  6. M

    C. B. radio users??????????? question.

    Not me. wasnt me bull breaker. I have posted this message in three different forums though. Thanks for the replies. I have two of the handheld radios that I bought for hunting about 6 years or so ago. They work ok, but pop cant hear them that good. He also has a case of the dumb thumb...
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    C. B. radio users??????????? question.

    My father and I have communication problems. When we pass each other in the hay field, he makes all kinds of hand gestures of what he wants me to do. Of course, I most of the time have no clue what he is trying to get across to me. He has now resorted to calling my cell phone every 3 minutes...
  8. M

    I need help. PTO switch dumping all at once on brand new 5085M tractor.

    I took the printed page above to the dealer this morning and went to the maintenance supervisor, (who was a buddy in high school). We looked up the solution on the JD website that he can access and it showed exactly with photos how to determine the problem and how to repair the problem. I am...
  9. M

    Pictures from GA. (new tractor included)

    Three generations. Pop on the left, me in the middle on the new tractor, and my son on the right. My son on the tedder, all finished. Me loading the hay hauler trailer, to take them to the barn. Pop stacking at the barn. Hope you enjoy. Marshall
  10. M

    I need help. PTO switch dumping all at once on brand new 5085M tractor.

    I got a new JD 5085M in September. The PTO is turned on by a pull type button that is the same button pull switch as all the new lawn mowers when turning on the blades. I have problems with this and I need to know if there is an adjustment that can be done on this. When I pull the button for...
  11. M

    I need some information and nobody knows the answer

    That helps, I had 4 weights put on there because I hadn't gotten an answer. The code as you have mentioned states to have 4 weights on the front. Perfect.. Thanks, Marshall
  12. M

    I need some information and nobody knows the answer

    Im stumped The dealer says he doesn't know what an implement code would be. Says he has never heard of such a thing. There is a chart in the owners manual for implement codes for what amount of weights to use, but it tells you no information on the implements codes and/or weights themselves...
  13. M

    I need some information and nobody knows the answer

    The 5085M 2wd that I have is said to weigh 7600 lbs I believe. The HP is 85. I have a Kuhn GMD 700 attached to it and I have water in all the tires. I need some weights on the front, but I dont know how many. The owners manual for the tractor said that if the implement code is 76 to 85, 2...
  14. M

    JD 5085M - any owners out there?

    Specs. The 5085M 2wd that I have is said to weigh 7600 lbs I believe. The HP is 85. I have a Kuhn GMD 700 attached to it and I have water in all the tires. I need some weights on the front, but I dont know how many. The owners manual for the tractor said that if the implement code is 76 to...
  15. M

    JD 5085M - any owners out there?

    I got it. I got the new tractor. I have tettered 30 acres and then turned around and raked the 30 acres with it and it used 12.5 gallons of fuel. So far, I am impressed. Cutting with it is next. Marshall
  16. M

    New disc mower needed, Krone, or Kuhn?

    We currently have a Kuhn GMD 700 I believe, it is a 9' + disc mower. We are going to add another mower to the equipment. My father stands by the Kuhn we have, but doesn't want to spend alot of money on a second mower. The Kuhn was purchased new in 2001, so this is its tenth grass season. It...
  17. M

    NH 310 baler, How much $$$$ for one?

    I got the baler, I need an owners manual. The owners manual was in the little tool box just past the flywheel. The owners manual is toast. It was totalled sitting in that box unprotected all those 25 years. Does anybody out there have this owners manual on a file program or a disc that can...
  18. M

    NH 310 baler, How much $$$$ for one?

    I have a fellow that I know down the road that has a New Holland 310 that he does not use. Hasn't used it since the second year after he bought it. He told me that there have been around 3000 bales of grass through it and about 1000 bales of straw through it. I went over and looked at it and...
  19. M

    Hay equipment question and my story.

    The reason for going back into square bales along with the round bales is to broaden our hay market. You make more profit on the square bales for sure and at this time, my father has the round bale market and I have the work associated with it. I have 30 acres of hay and unless pop buys what I...
  20. M

    Hay equipment question and my story.

    Here is my story and a question. I grew up in a farming family in central GA. As the kids grew up, the three boys worked the row crops, hogs, cows, and of course worked the square bales for the cows feed during the months there was not enough grazing. All the boys grew up and each of us moved...