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  1. G

    My Ky Garden Tractors

    That is a neat design. :applause: Thanks for the photos. I can pretty much fabricate any parts I would need. Am an old machinist/handyman/chief cook and bottle washer.:wink: I think I will be working on something similar this winter for one of my winter projects. Thanks again. :wave:
  2. G

    My Ky Garden Tractors

    Some gorgeous small tractors. :thumb: Thanks for showing them to us. I especially liked that modified 2 bottom plow. You think you could post some photos of it by itself. I wouldnt mind modifying one that I have to your design there.:wink:
  3. G

    Harbor Freight: Coupons, and recommended tools

    Here is a little item I have found very useful. And can be removed and placed on any trailer, hitch, whatever. Magnetic Hitch Locator
  4. G

    Harbor Freight: Coupons, and recommended tools

    I have stuff shipped also from HF. The nearest one to me is about 140 miles away. But I am in the neighborhood of it every 4 months or so, so I get to look around then. If I have the money, I buy then. But at least most times I have seen what I intend to buy in the future and have shipped...
  5. G

    Harbor Freight: Coupons, and recommended tools

    Hey are talking about my home away from home. :wave: The typical big boys toy store. Agreed, there is much they carry that is not that great, but for the cant usually beat them...I get a tool that costs you 4 or 5 bucks....or maybe 10 or 20...and it works for...
  6. G

    Flying "H" chainsaw attachment

    That is great. Thanks for posting it. And I agree with the others. Patent it!
  7. G

    Heads Up - Scam

    I hate to report folks, that my son was scammed just that way at our local home depot. TWICE!! I went back with him looking for the scammers and have to report that the publicity is making them move around. They were long gone by the time I got there. :confused::pat:
  8. G

    Do we have a NTT Frappr started yet ?

    I keep looking at the map and I see everyone in the eastern third of the US and then those on the west coast and then I see myself all by my lonesome in the middle of country. :smile: Now I KNOW there has to be someone closer than 1500 miles. :hide2:
  9. G

    quiet in here today ....

    I would be greatly interested in seeing what you did and how you did it. :respect:
  10. G

    Guess who got stuck today.

    Thats the word i was trying to think of. :confused: Crabbing. :smile: With my old Oliver, it was a regular accurance when the ground was wet. :rolleyes: And as heavy as that old piece of steel was, there was no way I was going to pull it out with anything less than another tractor. :smile:
  11. G

    Guess who got stuck today.

    That was 3 cents worth.! :yankchain::beer: I got that old 2wd Oliver of mine stuck so often I got to be an expert almost getting myself out with the FEL. Course....I guess you could say I wasnt stuck since I got myself out. :yum: Most of the time!! :oops:
  12. G

    Finally some seat time on the Yanmar

    Finally got about 4 hours of seat time on my little Yanmar today. Just grading the driveway and around the buildings and then moving dirt and debris with the FEL. And sorry guys....I wasnt thinking like Doc was today and didnt get any pictures. Still got some work to do tomorrow so will have...
  13. G

    Guess who got stuck today.

    Hey Doc, there is a trick to getting unstuck using the FEL. Use the FEL to take the weight off the front wheels and reverse out at the same time. Have also used the FEL on a tractor to pull myself out before. Dont know if you have tried that trick before or not. :smile:
  14. G


    Its a shame we dont have anyone in government with some backbone that will tackle the problem. The biggest thing would be enforcement of the labor laws. True enforcement, not the wink and a nod that we have had for far too many years. Well, there is no doubt that for the most part what HD...
  15. G


    The thing of it is, I love the New England area. Its one of the most beautiful areas of the country. And the history of it fascinates me. But the fact of it, as you say, being the liberals sandbox is why I dont live there. I was stationed up in NE PA while in the army and traveled the whole...
  16. G


    PC is the word. Liberalism gone mad. It didnt bother me asking a woman for assistance at the tool store or hardware dept until over time it just seemed like it was a total waste of time. They either didnt know what I was talking about and they themselves had to get help or they thought it was...
  17. G


    Thats not much different than the local Home Depot. Hire folks, especially women who havent picked up a tool in their lives to run departments. Went in and asked a gal for a length of 1/2 inch dowling. She said sure and took me to the bolt and screw section to look for bolts. <sigh>...
  18. G

    quiet in here today ....

    Not much today. My wife picked up the new hose for the FEL yesterday, I went out this AM to put it on and discovered the JD dealer that made it had put the wrong fittings on.. :pat:.despite having the old hose in hand when he made it. And my wife is lucky to know what fittings are, let alone...
  19. G

    Need hydraulic help

    :D Dont know why? :D I am the one jealous. I took a look at your profile and list of equipment. That JD excavator you got would sure come in handy round here. ;) Been wanting to dig me out a pond. Been looking around at equipment that would do some digging. Decided I needed two pieces to...
  20. G

    Need hydraulic help

    Your help much appreciated. And now some photos. ;) The rags are just covering the open lines till I get the new hose on. The second photo is of the finish mower that came with this beast. Its a yanmar brand as well, same as the blade scraper and FEL. As to who actually made them, I have no...