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  1. M

    New project - 4WD Articulated Tractor

    Welcome Des, I’d like to toss in some of my own observations: I can’t speak for Jim, but I can say that critical specifications like the wheel motors must meet certain criteria and tested before they can be listed and sold. Here, and much of the rest of the globe, the governing body would be...
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    Briggs vanguard big block

    Mith, I know very little about these engines. I did read recently that an owner has 4000 hours and is on his 8th season with the 22 (21.5) HP engine. My understanding is these Vanguard diesel engines are co-designed and built by B&S AND Daihatsu PBinWA, I though Daihatsu builds diesel...
  3. M

    Hey Durwood

    Hey Dur...good to see ya :D
  4. M

    Honda generator doesnt

    Mith (Paul, Jim, Dean), Aren't we missing a few follow up posts here? Did we loose some data during the transfer when the site went down?
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    New project - 4WD Articulated Tractor

    Fascinating Project Mith! None even remotely like it that I've ever seen. I’ve been staring at the monster in your picture (frame, wheels, seat) for a long while now and can visualize the completed project. I’m sure the engine-power source predicament will present a solution in the very near...
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    Pond Construction (?)

    Nick, I’m following your post with great interest as I have a pond, neglected for years and here it sits at the back of my property. On the legal description it’s listed as 65’ X 115’ “Horse Pond”…. Twice weekly, I walk down and look at ’my’ pond…and as I’ve made many advances in the nearly...
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    MF1650 Restore

    Beautiful craftsmanship.... I can't think of anything more satisfying than resurrecting a piece of machinery to show room quality for one's self....except, maybe doing it for a family member. Did you do the paint work as well? If so, what kind, type of chemistry did you use (acrylic enamel...
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    Rototiller Roto-ette

    Excellent score...Oh, the things that come to mind if I found them :D.
  9. M

    Hello from Georgia

    Welcome Nick! I hear ya about food prices and the posibility of growing your own veggies. Love to see pictures of your place (either-both :D) and look forward to your future posts.. Mark
  10. M

    Please-Beware of shady dealers

    Welcome to NTT 3da. Up until recently you would have had a strong argument from many of the owners, dealers and perspective Yanmar buyers. My understanding is now RCO (Steve and Rick?) stopped importing the tractors from Vietnam and bring in quality tractors from Japan used. They, like...
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    Briggs & Stratton valve seats

    I have done exactly what Mith has suggested. I did punch-dimple the head and (very carefully) the seat and should tell you the seat materials are very hard and somewhat brittle. So, do so carefully or the seat can break. I found by putting the seat between two soft blocks of wood (in a vice)...
  12. M

    Bad Ass Mules!

    Holy Cow!!! I have read many times about confrontations with Donkey’s and Coyote’s (and wolfs) and how they are natural born adversaries…where most often the K9 family is the looser. I have never read or seen anything about mules and big cats.
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    Albino Twins

    The thread title and the first glimpse of the Deer made me think they were artificial...they are a beautiful example of what nature can produce. We had deer come vist often and then they suddenly disapeared. Later we found out that a gent in the easement behind our property (with a large...
  14. M

    Double decker Composter

    Very cool and an interesting idea. Was just reading about a Reel Mower blade assembly converted and mounted into a small shoot and powered by a 3.5 Briggs engine. Definitely old technology as the article was from a ’60’s Popular Mechanic’s magazine. The whole idea being recycled lawn and leaf...
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    Hello from South Fla

    Welcome to NTT Howard, Glad you found us...and I'm thinking Ford/New Holland (right? :D)
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    How is your memory?

    Well.......I'll be! 20 for 20, just shows how old I really am and how much TV we watched as kids.....
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    How the fight started.

    I really like the one's that make you think......
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    How the fight started.

    LOL........probably Sneezy?? Dopey maybe?
  19. M

    UFO Hunters ???

    Has anyone caught this program on the History (or Science) channel? I feel it necessary to explain my own interpretation of just what UFO means to me. I take the term UFO quite literally. As in unidentified flying objects and nothing more. Unidentified, to me, is as of yet unrecognized or...
  20. M

    Problem with JD 3140, 2WD

    Congratulations Muzza...You gotta love happy endings! Sure would like to see a picture or two of your Deere. Maybe some pic's of the ol' homestead too?? Don't be a stranger as we look forward to future posts. Mark