Is this the stud your talking about on the cover "Fuel Injection Pump Drive Gears"
The head could be broken off?
This site may help you figure out a better part description and number. I can't locate anything with the part name & number they supplied you with.
Yea, my JD had that, turned at a faster speed and backwards if I remember right.
A buddy of mine was going to use a a/c pump off a car for his hyd unit. Haven't heard where he's at on that.
Did you get the gasoline, diesel, or LP gas tractor?
I don't know anything about your model of tractor, but this site has a parts break down & price. Hope it will help.
Wow, I've heard a saying that if it's rainning during a funeral the angels were crying. Haven't heard any on sleet. Condolences to you about your friend.
I thought we were suppose to have a warmer winter this year.
Found this:
By using google images: wiring harness diagram for a New Holland 6610S tractor
I know this post is old but...
I'd first check with other people around that work thier tractor as you do. I've had good luck with ford/ NH. Bad(nightmare) luck with JD.