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  1. Keifer

    Brand new RTV-X1140

    Doc, bet what you got from Santa was a lump of coal. ��������
  2. Keifer

    Snow plow recommendations

    Pssssss. I also agreed 100% with 1HOTDJ
  3. Keifer

    Snow plow recommendations

    I agree 100% with Toolman. Great plow, versatile and maybe more than you will ever need. I just moved bunches of snow from the latest 10-12 inch dump. My RTV 1100 in 4wd and worksite tires had no trouble at all. Using this heavyweight Boss v- plow with a RTV 900 might require heavy front-end...
  4. Keifer

    Puddle of hyd oil rtvx1100

    Thunderdome, hope you get that buggy fixed soon and back to work. Keifer
  5. Keifer

    SNOW (Money from Heaven)

    A photo from the snowstorm Jonas. (A trail opened up in our back woods with the RTV.) Zoom, the snow was pretty selective where it got dumped. Where we got 10-12 inches, friends about 20 miles to the east of us got about 17 inches. It will start to melt by the middle of the week I think.
  6. Keifer

    SNOW (Money from Heaven)

    I just got in from snow plowing 9 rural driveways. All but one are gravel (crushed stone). We have an average of about 12 inches. Isn't it amazing what work these RTV's are capable of doing. I have a 2012 1100 RTV with worksite tires. I am using a Boss - v snow plow and have 6 cinder blocks in...
  7. Keifer

    SNOW (Money from Heaven)

    Looks like you are set up to do some serious snow plowing. Chains all around as well. No slipping or sliding for you. That Boss V plow is great isn't it! Nothing like that RTV cab with heater to keep you toasty when pushing all that snow. We are to get significant snow fall Friday night...
  8. Keifer

    Looking for a handout.

    Neighborhood creatures looking for another RTV delivered meal.
  9. Keifer

    My heart pumps blue!!

    And with a full cab to boot. You are already for those brutal Ga winters. Lol. But I'm sure you will love it even more come July/August. Nice looking tractor.
  10. Keifer

    Block and tranny heaters

    Anyone use heaters to pre-warm engine oil and tranny fluids in the wintertime? I know you do Zoom. How effective are they? Keifer, aka Keith
  11. Keifer

    Finally got to take the new RTV through some snow

    Here is a photo from last winter. Boss V plow on a RTV 1100 and worksite tires. I put 10 cinder blocks in the bed and left the rear tire chains in the barn.
  12. Keifer

    Flash back

    This photo was from last winter but you get the idea of an RTV with a Boss V plow.
  13. Keifer

    Another newbie with questions. Any advice much appreciated!

    If you do buy the RTV 1100 and trailer it back home, you might think about loading it on rear end first. That will keep that very expensive windshield out of the way of any stones chucked up in the air. Just my 2 cents. Also, if buying a trailer, get one heavy duty enough to haul that RTV...
  14. Keifer

    oil filter brand and price?

    I agree with Heatwave. There are times you can go cheap, but sometimes you are paying a little more for peace of mind. Say you are going along just fine and then you think you hear something different with that little diesel engine. Is the first thing you think of is that $1.50 you saved on...
  15. Keifer

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" thread

    Hope you are able to continue to use your firearms in a sensible and legal manner. Keep watch that some tree-hugger doesn't try to push through a noise ordinance in your area. Our rights continue to be taken from us by a minority that screams the loudest no matter what the cause.
  16. Keifer

    anyone run b15 biodiesel in their rtv?

    I think you are right thunder. I use the same red dyed diesel fuel.
  17. Keifer

    New Member - rtvx 1120d

    Welcome to the RTV forum. Hope you find the problem... Or, hope you have a good kubota dealership nearby. Warranty work/repair ?
  18. Keifer

    x1120d new owner

    Congrats and welcome to the forum. You might want to contact Peanut for some stick stoppers.
  19. Keifer

    Here's a "Talk About Anything" thread

    Good idea for reusing those old pallets. Maybe add a roof for shade/rain protection. Add a cooler for beverages, a few chairs, etc. a real hangout for like-minded friends. Yippie!
  20. Keifer

    New x1100 just purchased

    Welcome to the RTV Forum. Come back often and share your good, bad and ugly experiences. Hopefully, they will all be good. Keifer (aka Keith) ( 2012 1100 RTV owner-operator)