Hello from Georgia


New member
Just happened to find this site today. I took a look at it, I liked it, then signed up. A lot of good information here. I've bookmarked this site, so I'll be checking in often.

I live in north Georgia, but have 20+ acres in Tennessee that we hope to move to pretty soon. I don't own a tractor yet, but I'm in the market for one. The TN land is mostly wooded, and I'd use the tractor for cleaning up the woods (fallen trees, limbs, old moonshine equipment), and maintaining trails. And if the food prices keep skyrocketing, I might have to plant a large vegetable garden in case things get tough.

Hi Nick! I'm glad you found us! We are a growing tractor community for sure. What part of Georgia are you from?
We're having great weather up here in Ohio. So good I have to go mow tonight. :pat:
Enjoy and post often. :thumb:
Welcome Aboard, Nick!

Post some pics of your place and when you are ready for your tractor there are a lot of folks here who will help you spend your money. :tiphat:
Welcome Nick!

I hear ya about food prices and the posibility of growing your own veggies.

Love to see pictures of your place (either-both :D) and look forward to your future posts..

:tiphat: My welcome also! This is one of the best forums going. Look forward to your posts and did anyone say anything about posting pictures......:wave:

:tiphat: My welcome also! This is one of the best forums going. Look forward to your posts and did anyone say anything about posting pictures......:wave: Nica

:tiphat: HA! Most of this stuff has been rusting away in the woods for decades I'm sure. I'll probably just dig a big hole (with my tractor!) and bury it! Have also found remnants of a few old cars that were left to rust away - they did!!

:tiphat: HA! Most of this stuff has been rusting away in the woods for decades I'm sure. I'll probably just dig a big hole (with my tractor!) and bury it! Have also found remnants of a few old cars that were left to rust away - they did!!Nick

We have 30 acres in Franklin County, VA. Heavy forest and we haven't explored all of it. Most of our neighbors have found remains of stills all over their property. I fully expect to find something as we clear the land for pasture.

Just happened to find this site today. I took a look at it, I liked it, then signed up. A lot of good information here. I've bookmarked this site, so I'll be checking in often.

I live in north Georgia, but have 20+ acres in Tennessee that we hope to move to pretty soon. I don't own a tractor yet, but I'm in the market for one. The TN land is mostly wooded, and I'd use the tractor for cleaning up the woods (fallen trees, limbs, old moonshine equipment), and maintaining trails. And if the food prices keep skyrocketing, I might have to plant a large vegetable garden in case things get tough.

Welcome to NTT.:tiphat: What color tractor are you leaning towards?
hugs, Brandi
Welcome to NTT.:tiphat: What color tractor are you leaning towards?
hugs, Brandi

I like them all:pat: - and that's part of the problem. Not sure what might be best for me. Have only seen a few 'up close and personal' thus far, and thus need to spend more time checking out other brands. I like JDs, but also like the Fords, the Kubotas, maybe the Mahindras, and some of the others - you see the problem:wink: I'd like something that is reasonably easy to work on where you don't require too many specialized tools - like today's autos.

I like them all:pat: - and that's part of the problem. Not sure what might be best for me. Have only seen a few 'up close and personal' thus far, and thus need to spend more time checking out other brands. I like JDs, but also like the Fords, the Kubotas, maybe the Mahindras, and some of the others - you see the problem:wink: I'd like something that is reasonably easy to work on where you don't require too many specialized tools - like today's autos.

Sit on them and drive them to see if the "fit" and "feel" is right for you, whatever color you go with.
hugs, Brandi