Garden Expansion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nicahawk
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I finally got around to expanding my garden and though I would post some pictures of the work in progress. I basically doubled the size of the existing garden by encroaching into the pasture. This preparation was the easy part, now comes the fence and planting. And watering. And weeding. And weeding. Did I mention weeding? Can't wait!

Pics in order; plowing, setting posts, both areas ready to plant, and some observers wondering what's in it for them.


  • Plowing New Garden.jpg
    Plowing New Garden.jpg
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    Setting Fence Posts.jpg
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    Both Gardens.jpg
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  • Donkeys Can we help.jpg
    Donkeys Can we help.jpg
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Ditto, good pics Nica. :thumb:
The friends look like they worked hard, or at least thought about it. :D
That's a nice garden spot!

Bottom-plowing is just one of those occasions when I wish i had a spare set of rear wheels with R-1s!

Oh, the picture of the donkeys is nice...especially with that pumpjack and windmill in the background.
I finally got around to expanding my garden and though I would post some pictures of the work in progress. I basically doubled the size of the existing garden by encroaching into the pasture. This preparation was the easy part, now comes the fence and planting. And watering. And weeding. And weeding. Did I mention weeding? Can't wait!

Pics in order; plowing, setting posts, both areas ready to plant, and some observers wondering what's in it for them.

That's NOT gardening...That's TRUCK FARMING...:D
Great pictures!

What are you planning on growing this season? Your garden is probably half the size of my entire property :D.
What are the dimensions? I have all I can do to maintain and use what we grow from a 30x60 ' garden and I irrigate from the lake (no direct cost other then running the Pumps lawn included) What are your plans for your garden and how are you going to use all of that potential produce?

We are not that far apart geographically so your yields will be similar!!

Great pics BTW and I add we are still eating the corn and canned tomatoes from last year! We are thinking of cutting back a bit from
last year !!

Great pictures!

What are you planning on growing this season? Your garden is probably half the size of my entire property :D.

I've had good luck with corn, tomatoes, potatoes, pole beans, melon's, and okra. This year I want to grow some field corn for feed, more watermelons, cantaloupe, potatoes, tomatoes, and more sweet corn.
We canned and froze a lot last summer and still have a lot in the freezer and stored in the basement. I still have some potatoes left and I used some for planting this year.

Salt of the Earth stuff. Any man that can hunt, fish or harvest from his own garden is ready for anything.

Personally, I’ll be growing the same thing I did last year. And once weeds (and no, not the smokin’ kind) become a profitable crop…I’ll be a rich man. I envy you guys and your talents...

What are the dimensions? I have all I can do to maintain and use what we grow from a 30x60 ' garden and I irrigate from the lake (no direct cost other then running the Pumps lawn included) What are your plans for your garden and how are you going to use all of that potential produce?

We are not that far apart geographically so your yields will be similar!!

Great pics BTW and I add we are still eating the corn and canned tomatoes from last year! We are thinking of cutting back a bit from
last year !!

Your garden looks wonderful!
Both the original and the new are about 245' x 60'. Last year we gave away a lot of stuff to neighbors and our kids. This summer we will do the same but want to include the local Hospice House and a few churches. The only thing we sold last year were eggs, and since I went out and bought 32 more chicks we'll have more to sell. We don't make any money on the eggs but it helps pay for winter feed. We free range the chickens in spring, summer, and fall.

Salt of the Earth stuff. Any man that can hunt, fish or harvest from his own garden is ready for anything.

Personally, I’ll be growing the same thing I did last year. And once weeds (and no, not the smokin’ kind) become a profitable crop…I’ll be a rich man. I envy you guys and your talents...


I did find some wild "stuff" growing last year and just let it go. Wasn't that much, 4 or 5 plants.

I sure know what you mean about weeds being a cash crop". That's the only thing I don't like about the garden.
Old Dearborn it is..


What kind of plow do you have there, looks to be an old Dearborn?


Didn't mean to ignore your post. Yes it is an old Dearborn plow, model 10-1, ser. no. 29904. This along with some of the other stuff I've dug out of mine, and neighbors junk piles, I'm trying to bring back to life.

I'll have several posts on some of the old Dempster planters soon. These are classics and are being swooped up by collectors. I've found 6 of them, one was 100% complete, with in 3/4 mile of my place in old junk piles. I've planted all my corn this year with the first one I dink-ed with. For an old guy this is fun! More to come.