York rake, or similar ?


New member
This spring I would like to buy a rake for my tractor ... I have a 600 foot
hardpack, gravel driveway, and would like to maintain it. Can anyone here with similar driveway maintanance reccomend a rake for my L3240 Kubota ?
Are the Tractor Supply rakes any good ? With a hardpack driveway what is the procedure to use for smoothing it our, or adding more hardpack when using a rake ?

Thanks for all replies... Cheers !!!
BuckBota :beer:
Is this a hardpack that has the tar mixed in? I'm guessing it must not be or a rake would not be of much use on that.
I have a 400' gravel drive and will be interested in the replies you get. My gravel has disappeared yet again and I'm having a new load brought later this week.
Is this a hardpack that has the tar mixed in? I'm guessing it must not be or a rake would not be of much use on that.
I have a 400' gravel drive and will be interested in the replies you get. My gravel has disappeared yet again and I'm having a new load brought later this week.

Just hardpack gravel, I thought about the new tar mix, but haven't put any down yet. My hardpack gravel disappears a lot here, especially when I snow plow it in the winter like is happening now !!! mybe someday I'll get some of the driveway asphalted, but that has it's own issues.

I had not heard of hardpack, maybe it's like what we call crush and run. It hardens up a little better than just gravel.
I would think a york rake would do the job for you. I have a rake but it's not the york rake and it has no wheels so I have to adjust it with the 3PH lever. it works okay. I've dressed my drive that way and by dragging my 6' blade backwards to even the gravel out. While both do a little good, I would also like to find a better way to dress the drive.
That does look nice!!!! Reminds me of a box blade with the back open. Some box blades come with a hinged back ...all you'd need is that leveling bar in the middle. hmmmm you got me thinking. :D
Sorry for joining in on this so late but at one time I had a "York" 3pt hitch rake and I didn't like it. I sold it with one of my tractors. I found out i didn't like hand raking so I bought one from Tractor Supply, it was a lot cheaper than the other price wise and i think it does a better job. It works going forward or backward and it worked great on piling brush. See i cut about 30 trees along the fence line and after i picked up the wood i had to deal with the brush and there was a lot of it so i put the rake on and it really impressed me on how well it worked. When i was all done there was very little hand work to do so thats good, im sold on the rake and other KK pieces i have. Good equipment and good price. Im sure it will do a good job on your driveway. I work my wood road which is about 1200 feet long and it works good there too. :myopinion: John