X1100C UTV Hitchworks Hitch extender


Active member
I don't know why I waited so long to order this. On the X models, the receiver hitch is located waaayyy up under the machine in the back. For you young whipper snappers, it's no big deal to just lay on the ground, pop in the pin on the receiver and jump right back up. I am finding now I have reached the "golden years" I can lay on the ground too, roll around, roll around some more, but most of us in this age bracket don't just pop back up again......

So, enter the aftermarket UTV Hitchworks hitch extender. Very well made, good, thick steel, very good welds, average paint job. Super easy to install. It took me a total of 3 minutes to remove the old plate, slide the new plate and tube into the Kubota receiver tube, slide the pin in, re-install the 4 bolts.

Old plate on the back. You cannot even see the receiver tube under it.

Factory receiver tube several inches under the backend.

Stickers........we don't need no stinkin stickers........

Front view of new hitch extender plate. Notice it has a place for trailer chains......

Back side of new hitch plate. It also acts as a armor plate for the back end of the machine. The tube in the middle slides inside of the factory receiver, then is pinned into the factory receiver.

New plate sitting in place, but not bolted in place yet.

New extended receiver tube.

Bolted in place, ready to go.

Side view of new extended plate.