
I would like to get a set of rims for my 900 but i was wondering if it would lower the weight capacity because the wheels have a limit of 700 pounds per wheel</p>


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That rating would give you about 800# of passengers and equipment when they reach max capacity.</p>

If there's a 1000# rim available, I'd lean towards that, but..... I have never heard of a rim failure of any kind, size or mfgr happen on a RTV.</p>


Senior Member
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I agree with bczoom, </p>

Never heard of any kind of failure >>></p>

Pick you out a set, and enjoy >>> you are not going to hurt the rims !!!!</p>



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the only rims that i ever heard of breakin is the regular stock rims or after market metal rims. they will rust out and i haveheard of a rhino rider whose rims just colapsed from the rust and corrosion. get you some aluminum rims and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. plus the guy at the tire place told me that them cans of tire fix-a-flat will eat the metal rimsup from the inside out too.</p>