what range when


I just want some input on what range y'all think should be used for different situations. I got a new 2010 machine and sometimes running on pavement up a fairly long steep hill in high range the transmission smells a little warm. I just need some professional advice on what low, medium and high should be used for. And if you overload the machine in to high of range will it just bypass or will it cause damage. This probably is a stupid question but I hope for this machine to last me many years.


On my 2005 900 I would use H for just ordinary everyday running around - fast or slow. Even pulling a 16' empty trailer down level roads I'd use H. With a load I would use M. For heavy duty loads, hill climbing, etc., I'd go to L usually with 4WD. My trans would just stall (engine RPMs still high) out if the load was too great. I think you'll know you need to shift before you hurt the trans - just like an ordinary vehicle.

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
Gold Site Supporter
Is it really the trans you smell or is it just that the RTV is finally doing some work and the whole system is getting warmer than normal. Mine only gets warm from heavy uphill hauling of wood or high speed(LOL) road running. If I am empty in the bed I climb the hill in my lane in high. With a load I use M and all tough climbing is done in L and usually 4 wd. I don't think you can hurt it when it is empty using H.


The trans. will go into a bypass if the pressure inside gets too high (load too much for gear selected). It has check valves that are spring loaded that will open at certain pressure ranges.


Well-known member
You just may smell all of the mud and dirt trying to burn off of everything as it may be getting a bit warmed than when you putter around the yard.


New member
You're probably just burning off the paint they put on the exhaust system & other hot running parts. Mine did that for a while when it was new.


This is the first new piece of equipment I have ever owned and I think I am just not used the smell of new metal. This has got to be the best utv on the market. I know that they are a bit pricey but there is nothing else that compares. The engine braking is excellent in steep pastures. The power steering is just right and the true hydraulic dump is great. There is just not to much to complain about. I bought a used 2004 model and had it for a while and traded for the 2010 there have been some great improvements on the transmission shifting.


Congrats on your purchase.... am sure you'll use it daily for years...I know I'm using mine regularly for even more than I ever imagined when thinking about getting it. Have added a few things which have immensely increased its usefulness...see signature.

I use H until it "feels" like I'm bogging down, then shift down.... if I've lost traction, which has happened about 5 times so far on steep inclines while pulling a significant load, then I go for 4WD.
Congrats. on the new machine. Put a few hours on it and it will feel like a nice comfortable shirt. Your not going to hurt anything if you select too high a gear for the application. It has a bypass and when you run out of speed, drop a gear. The hydro part is very forgiving. have fun.


"M" for "MOST OF TIME" ! I live on a 30% slope and it just to scary to go any faster than about 15 mph. Besides @ 15.2 MPH your hat will fly off anyway. Ditto on "L" when in 4x4. Seems to work best.


Senior Member
Site Supporter
........ congrat on the new machine.
The more you run it, the stronger it gets.

The RTV's will open up a whole new world to you >>>>


I appreciate all the good info on this site. I am approaching the thirty five hour mark on my rtv 900 and am loving it more every hour. I had some 20 foot ladder stands that I usually dread putting up and we just drug them up the tree. I can't wait until the 50 hour mark so I can finally mash the throttle all the way down after the full service. I am probably going to order my filters and oil from messicks. The ride quality is getting better all the time. I have the full curtis cab which came off of my 2004 model and I have the winshield and doors removed right now. I am slowly but surely getting all the sqeaks and rattles out of it. I had to really snug down the roll bar bolts and that stopped most of my sqeaks. I really like the fact that I can be out in the open in the summer like on my old ezgo. I don't think this would be possible on the 1100. Speaking of ride quality again I do believe the suspension is more plush and smooth than my brothers tx gator and it beats that 20 year old ezgo all to pieces.


Great that you've got the squeaks gone...now's the time to trick it out for work...have you installed gun racks or tool boxes or trailer hitches or...well, you get the idea....hint, see my signature....

Now, I gotta go work on some squeaks:wave: