What is DPF?


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When did they start adding it to tractors and excavators etc.?
Why did they start adding it?
At this point I'd avoid buying new due to DPF issues. What about you?


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I see DPF for sale at truck stops too and believe the trucks have to use it too. Any newly built diesel over a certain hp has it . My little excavator a U35-4 ,doesn't have it. It's 28 hp best I remember though. I think that having no DPT is why we got such a high dollar for our 7210 tractor that I put a new headliner in and mentioned on this forum recently in a post by me) when we sold it and had people offering the buyer a premium of $1000 plus . ( sold it for $47000 and the buyer said no to them.)
Our newest tractor has DPT( pictured in the following thread) .. Not a fan but needed a loader and it was ready to go. https://www.nettractortalk.com/foru...er-and-post-covers-for-john-deere-7210.19736/
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OK, I Googled it. Deisel Particulate Filter. From what I've been reading this afternoon it sounds like one of those seemingly good ideas that doesn't work worth a damn.

Sorry about the double post.


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DEF, DPF (not familiar with this), but they all suck.
DEF has been nothing but problems for every diesel engine owner I know that has it.
A friend did a DEF delete on his diesel Chevy truck. Costs him around $3500 as I recall but he now has about 50 more horsepower and he gets something like 27MPG out of a 3/4 ton truck. Much better than my 1/2 ton.


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Government juice. I own no diesels with DEF or a DPF. I am sure, whenever I decide to spring for my track loader, it will have DEF on it. Being it will be strictly used on my farm, I will will find a delete kit for it. DEF is just a waste of HP and fluid, that does nothing for the performance of your machine, except bog it down. Last thing I need is for the machine to be shoulders deep into a dirt pile and the Regen cycle kicks in.