Thank you Thunderdome and aurturitis for the kind words. I have been out spraying the fence with the 12 v and came in to see if it was gonna rain. ...probably so, and the wind is blowing towards the just sprun soybeans - across the road. so I won't be spraying this evening.
I have never used 2 4D in my wiper. just round up. However , in the sprayer I have used grazon which has some 2 4 D type chemical in it. The thing about grazon for spraying, it leaves most grasses alone except for johnson grass and that also means corn is at risk if nearby and tomatoes and cotton . etc... I have to spray early in the season with it as my neighbors all farm and I also have a neighbor that likes his garden a lot and gets riled easily. In other words, I have missed that pasture next to his garden for the year. (Grazon is prone to drift easily- I have heard of a mile in wind) but the good thing about it is the residual. (2 4 D has none) that is why Grazon works so well. It needs to be put out so that the roots get some as well as the tops that is why I say things like 20 gallons of spray per acre. It turns a messy pasture into a nice field also if you have Bermuda , check into Pastora. wow ! short residual but a really nice looking pasture I mix it in my boomless 300 gallon sprayer along with 6 oz of round up per acre covered.. and it does an outstanding job of knocking out the bad stuff but.... it will get beans too... It also needs to be put out with a decent amount of water . That is what I have been spraying today. We have a lot of that tall grass called vassy (sp) grass it knocks it out, (so does the wiper with only round up) but if it has seeded, it will come back until the seed bank is depleted. I hardly have any sticker weeds aka careless weeds or thistles at least where I have been trying hard to eradicate them. very little horse fennel but, I do have milkweed because it comes up after the residual is out on the early spraying.
On the wiper, Check with your county ag dept and see if they have one you can "rent" to see if you like it. The height adjustment is the only thing I'd be concerned about. I had to do my own hydraulics and while my Daddy was an expert and made a living with that work, I regretfully never paid attention so did mine as they say "by the seat of my pants" and the help of the good Lord.
I don't think you could ever get all of the round up out of a wiper. What it is is like a saturated carpet on there, it would take a lot of doing to get rid of the chemical on it. It will also collect thistle seed that are open like anything wet would . Also I was sort of unclear in my first post but I use round up 50% in the wiper only not my fence sprayer. My 25 gallon on demand fence sprayer that I carry in the RTV, I myself use 2 qts of RU per 25 gallons of spray for basic weeds.
Pastora is expensive and comes in a little 21 oz bottle priced at over 320$ It takes different amounts for different weeds but roughly 1 and 1/2 oz an acre. I think it is restricted use as is Grazon P+D but not Grazon Next... I use these in my 300 gallon sprayer. The Pastora has to be mixed well because it is a granulated powder . and needs to be mixed by the roller bump circulating until I am ready to spray..
If you want some more pictures of the wiper I use with the round up, let me know and I will hunt some up or take some new ones . Also my opinions are just that so check around . I make mistakes . Blessings to ya'll, collie