Here I am!!!! It's been a rough go here lately, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. I went in for round 2 of the radiation treatment this morning. A couple more and I can power a typical 3 bedroom home for a month
Had another digital prostate exam this morning too.
No fun to speak of there either. And just for sh... & giggles, I had a catheter inserted so they could view the inside of the bladder. That was yesterday. That's just about as enjoyable as it sounds
, begging the answer to this question, why would anyone spend thousands of dollars, millions of hours, and all of their efforts to become a UROLOGIST
Just glad mine did.
Lab report on current PSA numbers due back next monday.
Weight down total of 28 lbs so far. More to follow.
Blood sugar averaging between 85 and 105 after an episode with bad test strips causing a bout with a bad attitude on my part. (They read 50 to 75 points high. Thought all my efforts were wasted)
Cholesterol/triglyseride #'s looking VERY good in only 2 months. (Atta-boys from my MD on that one)
And best of all, with positive's on all accounts, my general attitude and confidence level is on the upswing. At first, I didn't know what was going to happen. Every turn saw ANOTHER bad test result. Now we're on the way back. Looks like my spring and summer isn't going to get wiped out after all.
I would like to thank EVERYONE who's been pulling for me through this. I'm doing OK, and only want to spend a certain amount of time dwelling on the subject. It's not that I'm trying to hide from it, just that I want to occupy my mind with other things when I can. Believe me, I've spent enough time worrying and fretting. Now I want to think about gardening, baling hay, and spending quality time with my family and friends.