tranny noise

So does mine, but it just started after it got cold. Maybe all in my head, but that's when I first remember hearing it.
Orangebuggy I think mine makes more noise now that it is cold when it is sitting there warming up. I also think it makes less noise when it gets warmed up ready to use. My weinnee dogs are keeping an eye on you and me since you mentioned putting a hot dog cooker on the muffler. Lol:tiphat:
Max, Mine acts the same way. Went by the dealer Saturday and mentioned it along with a few other issues I wanted them to look at. So well have to load it up some time this week and drop it off. Takes me awhile to get to these things, been going to take it now for a few weeks. LOL. Well let you guys know what they find or tell me. Tell your wiener dogs they are safe. We have one too. I call her a 3/4 wiener because she never quite got to full size.
Good deal Harry, mine is due 50 hour service and been weighing out to do it myself or take it in to the dealer. I would take it in but wonder if they would do the same job as I would do. Have about got the shifting problem down pat by just giving it a little gas while trying to shift and usually pops out of gear. Seems to be slower than it was so don't know if fuel filter or muffler deal. Wish they would check pressure on it but would really like to watch and learn. A lot of times I think these dealers say they perform test and changes, charge you for it when they really don't. May go to dealer and talk with them and see what I think. As for the dogs, the two we have are supposed to be miniature but have exploded into giants. lol Will let you know what happens.
sounds like any other hydrostat that i have ever been around from combines to dozers. gets a little louder when oil is thick.
Mine does the same thing. Seems like when it's cold it's worse and it's at the rear of the RTV I will pull my hand throttle up to help warm it up quicker and that's when I really notice it when cold.

But as it warms up it all but goes away. I think it's normal cause my BX 2230 does it to but just not as loud.