Searching for Curtis cab hinges ...


New member
Hi all. Hoping someone can help! I've hit a wall with Kubota and Curtis Tractor cabs -- manufacturer of the aftermarket fiberglass cab (FOPS #V42147, IMG_1175.JPGser.# 184733) on our 2007 RTV900. Top hinge on driver's side door became bent when door flew open during transport. Attempts to refabricate aren't accurate enough to realign the finicky latch, thus, I'm relegated to right-side entry only! (First-World problem, I know). I've tried Curtis directly but no help. Worked through a local Kubota dealer and shelled out $175 so far for unreturnable parts that don't fit. Anyone aware of a Kubota or Curtis "graveyard" that might sell me a used left-side hinge assembly?


New member
Thanks for the great advice. I did not reach out to them before dealing with Curtis and my area dealer. Looks very much like the correct part -- considerably cheaper than the Kubota dealer "network". I appreciate the suggestion!