RTV900 Loud Squeal From Engine Rear


New member
I have a 2008 RTV900 with 180 hours. It's been babied. A few days ago we were driving and suddenly experienced a very loud squeal. The noise seems to be coming from the rear of the engine/transaxle area. It gets worse with engine RPM. It happens when parked or when driving. Changing from 2 to 4 wheel drive and/or speed range (L/M/H) makes no difference....it's strictly RPM dependent. It's not the fanbelt. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Gold Site Supporter
Hi, Does it squeal in neutral? how are the fluids? and Filters? OEM? UDT or SUDT trans oil and the orange filter is in the rear of trans?. Just trying to narrow it down for us. That carrier bearing can squeal like a pig but it is under the seat below the belt and would only squawk when moving. I even had to put a narrow piece of tape around my hitch and then inserted it into the receiver to keep it quiet. I had one of the metal shields near the muffler making a racket until I happened to put my hand on it and discovered the source of squeaking.. Good Luck Bordercollie


New member
Problem Solved

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I spoke with my Dealer's Service Manager. He was as baffled as I. I took it to the shop....they were convinced I had a bad bearing in the hydrostatic transmission. They began a disassembly when one of the mechanics came close to the muffler and heard the squeal coming directly from the exhaust. It turned out the spark arrester was completely fouled. He removed and cleaned it and that solved the problem. Go figure!! I cleaned the screen not even three months ago. I must have purchased some bad fuel. Thanks again!!


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Glad to hear it was an easy fix.

BTW, most everyone I know has removed the spark arrestor to avoid the inherent problems associated with it's being there. Something to consider...


Gold Site Supporter
Gold Site Supporter
I'm also glad for the easy fix. Those spark arestors have been a pain for many folks. Unless a person has a lot of dry grass/leaves or on federal land they don't serve much good. You probably have more power without it too ,since it clogged so quickly. Brodercollie


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A spark arrestor is a device intended to prevent combustible materials, usually sparks or other tiny flaming debris, from escaping into areas where they might start fires.

But in my personal opinion, they don't do nothing but clog up in a diesel >>>>
If you are not running on goverment land. YOU DON'T NEED IT ON THE RTV !!!!!


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muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
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I still have mine in 4 years later. I took it out and cleaned it 2 years ago. It was really not that dirty. Then I work mine pretty hard and it does not idle much except when spraying fence line. I also run winter blend diesel with kerosene mixed in all year in all my diesel stuff.