RTV900 blown head gasket


I have an RTV900 with a blown head gasket. Can't seem to find any information about it, so does anyone have the torque sequence and amount to bolt the head back on after I change out the gasket?

Thanks in advance...


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Welcome to the forum. This would be the place to find your answers. I can't help, but should come along soon and help out.


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Hi , The process isn't hard just hard to explain without an illustration . The torque on the cylinder head screw looks like 27.5 to 31.1 ft lbs ... 37.3 to 42.1 N-m... 3.8 to 4.3 kgf-m.. The sequence to loosen is (n) to (a) and to tighten is (a) to (n). Now if I just had the diagram to show the labeled screws.If you don't find out , you can pm your address and I will mail a copy of my page to you. If it helps, the straightest edge is where I will begin 1st row - j b g 2nd row - n f c k 3rd row -m e d l 4th row- i a h . Hope this helps - This is what I believe is correct according to my book but......... Bordercollie

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
Gold Site Supporter
Any idea what caused this failure? Did it run hot for a while or happen suddenly?


Two boys, 12 & 14, who don't seem to understand what a temperature gauge is for, even after being told that "if y'all run it hot, it will blow a head gasket", or how to clean the radiator screen.

I think they might have a little better understanding now, since they have been walking for over a month...


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Gold Site Supporter
Hi rjglenn, I will get the info to you ASAP. It has been a busy 2 weeks. And soo very hot with heat indexes around 103-105. We are completely rebuilding catch pen # 1. Just got home at 9 pm after starting real early this am. Will be tough in the am then I should have some time after lunch and will get this off in snail mail because I don't know how to get the diagram to be clear in email -although I may try. I am glad to help. Bordercollie


Senior Member
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You are EXACTLY right about the heat !!!!
We are just about to melt down over here. I just don't remember the heat being this bad at this time of the year. What am I going to do when I get older ? Wonder if it gets better >>>>

Hope everybody is doing fine here. We have been so busy down here, have not had time
to even hardly get on this and see whats going on ....

..... two guns


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Gold Site Supporter
I got the info off as scheduled rj. There is something in the manual about a spacer of some kind under the valve cover to help quieten the noise but I didn't send that. Two Guns, it is hot all right. I don't remember it being this hot in June neither. July and August should be a blast.huh . How are the crops in your area? Bordercollie


bordercollie, thanks for sending me the info. It's been hot here in N. Fla. out in the hay field. At least we've had some rain, but not so much that we've lost hay crop. The local Kubota dealer has me a upper gasket kit on order so I should be ready to tear this thing down soon. The fellow at the dealership mentioned the possibility of a bent rod if it was run much with water in the cylinder bore. Hopefully this won't be the case because I don't want to overhaul an engine that only has 750 hrs on it.


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I also hope that isn't the case. But ,if you need any info just ask. It rained good here for about 10 minutes.. any amount appreciated as we are dry dry. Then just across the road it only sprinkled .Just little showers pop up with clear blue sky here and there. so weird. ... I will be in Ark till Sunday afternoon, leaving Sat morning so I will be off the internet till I return. Bordercollie


The sheets came yesterday & that will be a big help. Now if Gatorland Kubota can get my parts in soon I can get this thing back running. Thanks for your help!


Okay, I put it all together last week and it blows bubbles out the radiator. Looks I have a cracked head or cracked block. So....

has anybody ever put sodium silicate in one of these engines?


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Ahh sorry to hear that. Never had to try to sodium silicate so I can't help you there.


I added some sodium silicate today & I'm not sure it helped, which probably means it didn't help. I'll see over the next couple of days. Basically what is happening is I'm getting bubbles coming up in the radiator & it runs the water out of the radiator via the overflow can and onto the ground. So I have a compression leak into the water jacket. Best I can tell its not pulling water into the cylinder because there's no steam or radiator smell coming from the exhaust pipe. Either way, I think I'm in big, big, trouble...

I have about 40 acres of hay on the ground and right now, tonight, the thunder & lightening is saying its fixen to rain. I'll either be square baling or rolling hay tomorrow, depending on what happens tonight.


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
It sure does not sound good. :(

Good luck with getting the hay baled and figuring out the issue on the RTV. Everything seems to be coming to a head at once.

muleman RIP

Gone But Not Forgotten
Gold Site Supporter
Have you tried a re-torque on the head bolts? Some engines require that after running long enough to get to temp. Just a suggestion.


I retorqued the head bolts to the high end of what the book said and it seems to have stopped bubbling. It holds water now and it does not run hot any more. It has some other problems though so maybe it's time to trade?


Because it was overheated, it is possible (most likely) you warped the head.
Send the head to a machine shop that specializes in resurfacing heads. Likely this is all it needs and it shouldn't cost much if you strip the head for them.