RTV is really handy


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I use the RTV so much on the farm that it is like part of me. This cold artic blast proved just how handy the 'bota is..
This morning, I get it cranked and let it warm the engine wile I let out the chickens and feed the birds etc.. Then off to look at things and start the feeding procedures. Go to the barn put the cast off twin on the Marcie cow.. He knows his way to the chute and Marcie knows her way to the food pan there. I don't catch her head but that's the only place he will try to nurse her . While that is going on , I do my other chores of feeding there.. assorted ...cat , horse, cow , creep feeding orphan . Sally cow's adopted lot and etc.. then I also break the ice on top of the Ritchie water troughs..( they are hollow and insulated where the water supply is .. at least that isn't frozen..
The water starts freezing back right away in the drinking area..
I am just a zipping around on the frozen mud and having a decent time , the RTV getting me where I need to go.. Then load the feed wagon several times and the bil puts it out.. Use the RTV to open gates and zip, zip zip where ever I need to go. It is almost like Springtime...yea right... Well, I am trying to be positive. :)
Near the end of the day as the sky has darkened , I noticed the Ritchie water trough out in the old sheep lane has no water and the cows are frantic to get some.. Hopped on the RTV and went to look... seems a long gone animal had made himself a crawl under place at the indent in the concrete, where the water access was.. now cold air had crept in there and had frozen up all the lines.... I ponder what to do.... then it occurs to me.. My RTV to the rescue again... All I need is some warm air to flow in the hollow part of the Ritchie base and the lines would thaw.. I grab a piece of pipe, back up the RTV and hook to the exhaust, stick the other end in the long gone animal's old crawlspace and just sat back on the seat as the engine purred and just waited a bit... ( Until today,it has been a long time since a gate chain frosted to my fingers so I know it was well below freezing already).. Anyway, I warmed up with my handwarmer and It didn't take long for the RTV to push warm air in the cavity to warm up the pipes without shocking them . Then the water began to flow and the trough is filled... aaahhh.. saved by the RTV again..I stuffed the animal's old hole space to block more air and went to the barn to finish up..Feed the barn bound again ,and go home.. on the RTV of coarse.. I love that thing!!
poor quality picture attached
I guess I should add that this was done to an outside water trough and not a threat to anything... just in case... bordercollie


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New member
You re right they are handy. I have a 2012 RTV900XT with 300 hrs. Use it on the farm all the time. I live in Indiana and for the last two days we have had 12 inches of snow and the actual temp was -13 today. Wind chill has been in the -30's. I went out today to see if the RTV would start. Last week I put a little power service in with the pink farm fuel I run in it. I held the glow plug key on for ten clicks and it fired up like it was the middle of the summer. Impressive. I have a generator sitting on it in case the power goes out and I have to get through the drifts to the house plug in. You just can't beat an RTV.


Well-known member
Personally I couldnt survive without my RTV.Its a must for my broken body.Im just getting ready to remount the plow as it was down for a few days due to a broken a frame.Re welded it all re enforced it and fixed all the stress cracks in -10 temps.What a joy lol.Keep warm where ever you are .Its brutal out there


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I use the RTV so much on the farm
My RTV to the rescue again... ... bordercollie

........ You are a walking genius !!!
Having a good piece of equipment is one thing, but having the knowledge of using that equipment to the fullest extent.
Your BIL just don't know how lucky he is to have you on the farm !

I am Honored to know you !!! And so proud to call you, my friend !!!

....... Jamie:harley::harley::harley:


Active member
I use the RTV so much on the farm that it is like part of me. This cold artic blast proved just how handy the 'bota is..
This morning, I get it cranked and let it warm the engine wile I let out the chickens and feed the birds etc.. Then off to look at things and start the feeding procedures. Go to the barn put the cast off twin on the Marcie cow.. He knows his way to the chute and Marcie knows her way to the food pan there. I don't catch her head but that's the only place he will try to nurse her . While that is going on , I do my other chores of feeding there.. assorted ...cat , horse, cow , creep feeding orphan . Sally cow's adopted lot and etc.. then I also break the ice on top of the Ritchie water troughs..( they are hollow and insulated where the water supply is .. at least that isn't frozen..
The water starts freezing back right away in the drinking area..
I am just a zipping around on the frozen mud and having a decent time , the RTV getting me where I need to go.. Then load the feed wagon several times and the bil puts it out.. Use the RTV to open gates and zip, zip zip where ever I need to go. It is almost like Springtime...yea right... Well, I am trying to be positive. :)
Near the end of the day as the sky has darkened , I noticed the Ritchie water trough out in the old sheep lane has no water and the cows are frantic to get some.. Hopped on the RTV and went to look... seems a long gone animal had made himself a crawl under place at the indent in the concrete, where the water access was.. now cold air had crept in there and had frozen up all the lines.... I ponder what to do.... then it occurs to me.. My RTV to the rescue again... All I need is some warm air to flow in the hollow part of the Ritchie base and the lines would thaw.. I grab a piece of pipe, back up the RTV and hook to the exhaust, stick the other end in the long gone animal's old crawlspace and just sat back on the seat as the engine purred and just waited a bit... ( Until today,it has been a long time since a gate chain frosted to my fingers so I know it was well below freezing already).. Anyway, I warmed up with my handwarmer and It didn't take long for the RTV to push warm air in the cavity to warm up the pipes without shocking them . Then the water began to flow and the trough is filled... aaahhh.. saved by the RTV again..I stuffed the animal's old hole space to block more air and went to the barn to finish up..Feed the barn bound again ,and go home.. on the RTV of coarse.. I love that thing!!
poor quality picture attached
I guess I should add that this was done to an outside water trough and not a threat to anything... just in case... bordercollie
Nice to hear how you use your RTV bordercollie, Brain and brawn, seems the real limitation for these RTV`s is the owner.


New member
One of the real helps the RTV is to me is moving from farm to farm at planting and harvest. I move the seed tender in the spring and head trailers in the fall. Gets in and out of gates easier that a pickup pulling a 25 foot head. And if you aren't lined up straight when putting head on trailer you can move trailer with RTV instead.


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Thank you Two Guns.. Mama and Daddy always said" There is more than one way to skin a cat". :) collie


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Thank you Two Guns.. Mama and Daddy always said" There is more than one way to skin a cat". :) collie

Learned on History Channel a couple of days ago, that phrase actually doe not refer to cats, but to catfish since they are so hard to skin. Just a neat bit of trivia.


Senior Member
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Learned on History Channel a couple of days ago, that phrase actually doe not refer to cats, but to catfish since they are so hard to skin. Just a neat bit of trivia.

That was interesting .... I myself, like trivia >>>>

........ two guns


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
........ You are a walking genius !!!
Having a good piece of equipment is one thing, but having the knowledge of using that equipment to the fullest extent.
Your BIL just don't know how lucky he is to have you on the farm !

I am Honored to know you !!! And so proud to call you, my friend !!!

....... Jamie:harley::harley::harley:
:agree: 110% And i think we all learn a thing or two when looking at our problems thanks to bordercollie expanding our horizons. Thanks BC :tiphat:


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Thank ya'll for the kind words. :) Brato the calico cat was somewhat relieved when she heard that too. :) - She does like it when I fry that catfish in the outdoor "kitchen"- she has to sample it ya know.(she really thinks she's a collie, so wasn't too bad worried) . When this weather settles, I am going to fry up a mess... thin and crispy....now something to look forward to :) bordercollie


Goofy Member
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Collie if you like thin and crispy catfish you must like Mittendorf's (sp?) restaurant down there in LA by the MS line.


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Wheezer, It's been many years since I was there, But I consider that my absolute favorite place, except for the way my Mama cooked it. :) :)
Two Guns, Bratto knows what she is doing..hahaa


Active member
Sharing any recipes would be appreciated, we only catch the the bull head catfish here, they only go about 12" but OH so delicious. The locals won't eat them nor will they eat the Yellow or White Perch.


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Oh shoot, how could that be BaiJiu. Well, we won't tell so there will be more for you. :) I'm with Two Guns. That is some of the finest eating there is.. That perch makes for the sweetest tasting fish. Not strong at all...
I like my catfish filets thin and if they are too big, I will "thin them and then have twice as much to eat. :) As far as a recipe.. mostly fine cornmeal with a really small dab of flour but not much at all. add salt and pepper and if you like it "spicy" a shake of fine ground red pepper. mix it up... taste with a damp finger and adjust if necessary.. To hold the cornmeal mix on the fish some folks soak the fish in milk, shake if off and dredge in the mix. Others smear the fish in yellow mustard lightly and dredge.. fry in 375 degree peanut oil, turn as necessary till fish floats , don't crowd or it will get greasy.
I put mine ,as it is fried, on top of wadded up or crumpled paper towels or newspapers ,(this is on a cookie sheet), to absorb the oil and put it in a low oven with the door cracked opened so it won't steam and get mushy, but still stay warm. Not a fire hazard if done right. I used to use paper sacks and newspaper and give it a good gentle shake ... but now the good old "Kroger sacks" are mostly plastic...
Many folks use Zatarain's fish fri (southern product).. Baijiu.. if you ever want a try of it I'll gift you a box.. just pm me..
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