New RTV, Opinions after 2 months


New member
Hello everyone, first time posting, long time reading this group. I have had my RTV 900 for over 2 months now and I love it. It is strong, hauls plenty and tows great. I have the worksite model, with ATV type tires. I alsohave the plastic roof and the high mount air cleaner kit. I have had no problems with the machine and it will go just about anywhere, the "I shouldn't be driving that way" feeling will kick in well before your past what the machine can actually traverse. The fuel usage is as good as others report on this board, with mydealer fill lasting well over 20 hours to merely get down to a quarter on the gage. Great site here with lots of information that led me to purchase the machine.</P>

I'd like to share a little mod I have done to the high mount air filter. I had two issuses with mine, the first was the noise. I soon discovered that there wasnt a gasket between the two halves of the housing that come apart to change the filters. This was allowing a large ammount of air through the little gaps around the housing where the clips fit into and was really making some annoying wistling noises. Did your kit have a gasket in this location? I fixed mine with some silicone gasket maker.</P>

The second issue was the air inlet that was basically wide open facing down. Occasionally we have some relatives kids tag along as we ride the fences or look at the cows, and they were allways wanting to put thier hands over the intake or put something in it. Before the gasket mod, you could block the downward inlet and it would take in so much air around the housing the engine was not effected and really it didnt pull enough vacuum to hurt. With the gasket it maybe a problem and could hurt, I wasnt goin to try it. </P>

I got to looking around and fabricated a new intake that was raised up higher and was large enough that no set of hands could make enough of a seal to get hurt. I used the upset end of a 2" PVC pipe, some hose clamps, the "mushroom" intake cap from a JD 4240 tractor,some black paint, and part of an old rag. The old rag was used to increase the thickness of the PVC slightly to acheive a tight fit of the intake cap. I also slit the small end of the PVC fitting so the clamp would be able to squeeze it down to the filter housing. The filter housing was rotated so the inlet pointed up and the end cap was removed and replaced with the valve pointing down again. It also had the added benifit of further reducing the noise from the intake. It is nearly as quiet as it was before I installed the high mount kit, and actually has a little mean growl to it now instead of just a whooshing sound. I think it looks good too. I will attempt to attach a picture:</P>



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Fetalpig .</P>

Looks like you have things going your way. Welcome to the Forum !!!!</P>

Fixin' up the RTV's is as much fun as running them !!!!</P>

Enjoy & Stay Safe ~~~~~~~</P>

Need any help with anything, just throw a rock in , folks here are always willing to help !!!!!!</P>
Fetalpig. Welcome aboard.!! Nice fab job. Little ones alwayslike to stick their fingers every where..Lot safer now! Lots of good posters here, post often. P.S. You do know the rules for the New Guy.??....... After the last postereach night ..... make sure the trash is dumped , set the alarm and turn out the lights. See you all in the A.M. Frank


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Welcome to the forum!!!

Nice setup on the air filter. I just got mine installed a couple days ago but haven't really had the chance to use the RTV (it's fall hay baling time). I did notice the louder air but haven't determined whether it has a leak or if it's normal.

If I may add to Frank's comment "P.S. You do know the rules for the New Guy.??", actually the new guy also has to buy beer for everyone for a week. [:D]


FetalPig - great job on the fab. I was looking at mine just yesterday pondering how to change the air intake after sucking a trash bag into it. Funny how the trash can is perfect height to allow the bag of trash on the top to lay into the air intake. Anyway - I like the look and if it sounds better... what else could you ask for?

I didn't check mine for a gasket but it doesn't make the noises you described so I assume it does. Will take a look later tonight.


The last Anonymous post was mine - forgot to sign in before reply. Wonder why it allows an annonymous post anyway.


One last thing - considering I got the RTV to cut down on walking and I'm an over-achiever when it comes to beer.... I'm guessing 10 mpg or less (ultra-low sulpher beer of course).


I took a close look/listen at my air cleaner and did not have any air entering around the air cleaner replacement area. I did notice that if I cut off the air under the intake cup (has a screen in it) that I get the whistling noise you talked about the noise was coming from the top of the cup. I never did have any air leakage around the filter ring or clips.