New problem...need advice...L2800


Maybe someone has an idea of what's going on with my tractor. It is an L2800 HST with 550 hours on it. Lately, my power steering was intermittent, and now totally inop. Also, my lift arms are slow to raise. I checked the hyd oil, and it was about 2 quarts low (not sure where it went, either) so I refilled it and I still have the problem. I will pick up new hyd oil and filters tomorrow. I am on schedule to change them at 600 hours anyway, so that seems to be a good place to start.

Any ideas? Anyone else ever experience this?

Thanks in advance.
I ran a L3400 for the past few years and had a similar problem. After crawling around and under the tractor I found the culprit to be a leak right above the right front tire on the return line from the cooler next to the radiator. The cause was simply a loose house clamp. Hope this helps.
If it isn't the filters, you could have a leak, or the possibly the hydraulic pump is going. Maybe even the pump sucking air.
Might just be the pump inlet screen clogged if it has one,.
Check the hose to the suction hose to the hyd. pump.
It's right by the brake pedals, they tend to crack and let the pump suck air.
Check the hose to the suction hose to the hyd. pump.
It's right by the brake pedals, they tend to crack and let the pump suck air.

Same thing here, L3400 with the return hose to the pump. Cracked at 3 years old.
