New Aussie RTV owner!


New member
Hi all,</P>

Well I finally received my RTV900 the other week, after a few problems in the beginning, namely actually finding one in Australia. </P>

It seems that while at the dealer awating delivery the RTV began leaking oil from the trans. According to this forum this is rare, but not unheard of.</P>

Anyway, got that fixed up and delivery was last Saturday. I was thrilled to see it rock up on the back of the trailer. I had never seen one in the flesh, as I bought it sight unseen and of course un driven!</P>

My girlfriend nick named it the "Kuboto Dragon"!! Which I think is cute.</P>

I had recently tried the Yamaha Rhino and the Kawasaki Mule 3010. The yamaha was totally unsuitable, but I did like the mule. I was ready to buy one, but then found this forum, and thought I should at least consider the Kubota, although I was under the impression it was about $4000 more, which was just too much. To my suprise although the retail is quite a bit more I ended up getting a deal for the same price as the Mule!! To me it seemed like a no brainer and quickly put my order in.</P>

Now I have to say that Jamie (Two Guns) has been an incredible help to me over the last month or so. He has been like my own personal forum!! From everything from oils to tyres to speedos! Thanks Jamie!!!</P>

Now onto a few first impressions.</P>

This thing is built like a tank! I was very impressed.Build is A1. I was also eargerly awaiting a drive, as I had read so much about how you can launch yourself out the front if you take your foot off the accelerator too quick. I was suprised to find that is the case!!! LOL and reverse is even worse. But it only took a few minutes to get used to it. I really like it now, but then it makes me wonder what the brake pedal is for!??</P>

My rtv also seems to suffer from the leaking fuel cap. But my dealer is getting me a replacement one. There was also a tray latch missing, which I thought was odd, but that is coming too.</P>

Changing gears can be a little bit of a struggle at times, depending on the vehicles angle. I'm getting used to it, and I hear it gets a little easier over time. Mainly I select between 2wd and 4wd anyway. I almost always stay in high gear. What I would have liked to see is the preassure release valve incorporated into the shift leaver, so you pull it up and then change in one motion.</P>

Now my next little problem is one that Two Guns has already started a thread regarding, (Thanks again Jamie!)and thats tyres. My terrain is almost all soft red sand. This is fine on the flat, but some of the steeper hills are a little hard to get up. The hunt for replacement tyres over here in Australia has yeilded very little. It seems the bearclaw is the only tyre available, and there is some question about its suitability due to the weight of the rtv. I currently have the worksite tyres on, and these are good for just about anything, except the aforementioned sandy hills. </P>

What I am going to try is running them at a lower pressure. They are rated for 24psi, and are currently set at 20psi. I will drop them to about 15 and see how much of a help that is. Otherwise I may have to consider importing some from the US!!</P>

Well thats if for me. Better go do some work.</P>

Oh, better say what I do for a living. I grow oranges down in South Australia, and primarily the rtv is used for checking irrigation. No tilt bed installed, but not needed for what I do.</P>


Jamie (Pround Kuboto Dragon owner) Wilson</P>


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Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new RTV.

The brake pedal is there so the gas pedal doesn't get lonely being there all by itself.

For tires, I'm looking around but have you considered some of the Kubota offerings? The ATV type tires that come with the rec model may work for you. The BX series tires/rims also may be an option.


New member
Hi bczoom,</P>


thanks for the welcome.</P>

I'm not sure that Kubota offer the recreation tyres in Australia, as they don't offer the rec. model. Only the base model and the hydrolic lift version is offered. I will ask next week. The other problem is Kubota in Australia a notoriously expensive on parts pricing. To give an example, the speedo as a spare part is $360AUD. In the US it is about $80.</P>

It seems by deflating the tyres that I have to around 15psi I have about the traction I need for now. So its probably not worth the money upgrading. Probably....</P>


Senior Member
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Dang, things are expensive there...

As noted somewhere else on this forum, some car rims will fit. Mainly Ford and my guess is 14" tires. I took a tape measure to the RTV bolt pattern and it "appeared" to match exactly to some 14" tires I have on a trailer. I didn't do a tire swap to confirm but some car tires/rims may be another alternative for you.